the pups

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Alex pov

I and Selene were walking the dogs or better said the laser dogs ( that's a great name for a superpet team)! They used to be explosive little pups but now they  would more or less gaurd the house and annoy cats with their lasers. They all looked like golden retrievers and walking them was realy easy and fun after we found out that they would shoot frizbies down when we threw them, so we laughed about that for an hour untile...."Alex watch out !" I got hit by a ball and the dogs chasest a squirrel "oh no those were my grandparents babies after my dad !" She yelled at me " we need to catch them and fast first we need to we need to think like dogs ! I know throws a freezbe at me !" I just gave her a confused look" no... how about we run after them ? We need to split up and we should be able to catch them before they get into any trouble !"Barko diaz was setting a tree on fire trying to get a squale out of the tree " and there we found Barko diaz !" I just nodded.

3 hours later

I and Selene only found sajak  and dog Marco jr. . Selene asked me "where would dogs be when they runs away ?" We were walking through town untile freya gave me a shocked look and as i turned i saw why she was so shocked... the supermarket was on fire. Freya " giant rain bomb!" A explosion of clouds and water covering everything and one in water. The laser dogs came to us licking Selene's cheeks"aww you runaway doggies ! Ok let's go back home !" She opened a portal and came her grandparents looked at her smilling and the dogs jumped at the grandparents licking them they laughed they were always so happy and joyful i understood where king marco got that personality from I was his square the only thing i had to do regularly buy stuff and babysit prince astro when they went to see the other kingdoms or the magical high commission.

POV Selene

I smilled as the dogs licked their faces then they stood up and told me "you're going to school tomorrow !" I gave a shocked expression Alex chuckled and they looked at him and said "you two !" He just looked confused and asked  " what is school ?" It made sense he was a orphane, when my parents saved him from some feral monsters, he was born with one blue and one red eye so no one would adopt him so my father took him as a square. My grandparents explained what a school was and they bought him some new clothes a T-shirt with star on it, jeans with the knees ripped and a hat with the number six writen on it. We liked it a lot he just said " it looks good i guese"

next day

We went to school with most of the boys staring at me like i was a...wait i was a princess. I walked to my next class after being showed my locker and the bathrooms Alex looked confused by everything. I usually visited my grandparents twenty times a year so i wasn't surprised by cars or water fountains, he keeped putting his hand to his belt trying to pull a imaginary sword i calmed him down most of the time and he sat down to see a very young ogre or old i didn't understand how ogre aged until she looked at me straight in my eyes " you're stars daughter right ?" I nodded Alex gave her a death stare " oh good ! I will keep a eye on you miss butterfly. Now i am miss Skullnick ! I will be your math teacher and you better behave or else !" She wrote the instructions on the whiteboard and i was able finish in a instant my dad always made me do math when i wasn't having fun ! Alex had problems with only being trained in fighting feral and mindless monsters. Most of school was fun until we both saw " Mandy ?!" She was eating " why are you on earth ? " she said calmly " My dad found out that i sneaked into the butterflies castle and he was angry ! You should have seen him but my mom was able to calm him down " Alex looked at her" how ? Your dad has a very explosive temper." She finished eating " she is pregnant I'm going to be a big sister !" We both congratulated her and she told us " well he calmed down and he banished me to earth until the new baby comes." We sat next to her and started joking around and talking.

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