We got bamboozled !

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Selene PoV

I walked to my new room my grandpa helped me move my bags he was in great shape for his age and so was my grandma the only thing different from the picture of her 15 year ago was a Gray streak" so Selene are you gonna do the spell ?" I just gulped and pointed my wand and used the spell as the room formed Alex was jumping on my bed I just joined him " so why were you jumping on my bed ?" He chuckled " your brother dared me !"

A hour before

"So I'm going to stay on earth for a week ?" Star nodded and Marco explained " I think you should stay on earth for a bit and your grandparents have been saying they wanted to see you lately" to be honest they were litraly begging " and we will visit after a day or two " I nodded and dad opened a portal for me to the Diaz residentce.


Me and Alex were jumping on the bed, my room is well organised almost nothing lied on the ground and i had a computer that used magic to work and was just a hologram but I do have a closet filled with my old stuff baby toys, stuff from my ex-boyfriend. I saw a note on the desk " where did that come from ?" I went to my desk and I read the note it said " sorry we tricked you but we're grounding you and we tricked Alex so he can make sure you don't jump around dimensions if you ask why ? Look at the garden, it will take a year to regrow and because of this we ground you to stay on earth for a year. " I crumbles the note and throws it away and sighs. Alex noticed me sigh " what's wrong ? "I stood up" we got duped ! They grounded me on earth for destroying the garden !" I went to my bed and fell on it " wanna go to mandy ?" I opened a portal to mandy's dimension" sure I want my saber back !" Alex ran into the portal and i joined him.

Mandy lucitor had nocked out Alex and was playing with her phone being the princess of the underworld she didn't have to do much she had a red beanie and one horn and one that was sliced off, she had the same hair as Jenna and three eyes " hey Selene ! How are ya ?" I just looked at her " can you give me the money you owe me and my shoes ?" Mandy threw the shoes at her and the money " and can you play a prank on my parents ?" Mandy looked at me surprised " realy ? Hmmm what kind of prank ?" I answered " something itchy " Mandy stood and went to her closet and got a jar filled with muscitoes " so how much ?" Mandy thought " I keep the saber a nother month and we got a deal" I thought for a few minutes " fine "mandy shoke my hand her mother walked on us " did I hear prank ?" Mandy chuckled " it's on the butterflies !" Jenna took a book out " I have their scedrural !" I never understood how she was able to have a mom like that and i worried if they would tell on me.

Alex Pov

" what happened ?" Selene looked at me and pulled me up " i remember I jumped in and Mandy nocked me out" Selene laughed " I asked her to do a prank on my parents !" She laughed " realy you ? You know the royal gaurd calls you ''the parents pet right ?'' She pouted the look on her face made me chuckle " no I'm not ! I can go agianst my parents anytime I want !" I rolled my eyes trying to not laugh. Lilith looked at us growling " ok first Alex get out of here second where is mom and the jokester? " I answered " planing to prank Selene's parents" lilith sighed " great ! Now I have to stop them !" Selene opened a portal back home " ok lets go !" Pulls me back to earth " so how about we try gardening ?"

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