Being stuck

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All of three kids looked at each other and sighed. Mandy spoke up " ok i know we did stupid stuff and we're being punished but hey how about we have some stupid crazy fun ?!" Selene said "yeaaaaaaaaa !" They both ran off to do the crazy fun and after making Alex ride a bike (which was a giant mistake) they ended up at a party. Alex and Selene were drinking soda and mandy was showing off and stealing someones out.

Pov Selene

I woke tied to a car "what the ?! Hey is someone here ?!" A sparkly eyed man came out of the car " wow how did you end up there ?" I looked at him for a sec and shake my head " hey can you untie me ? "The guy untied me and i waved at him running back home. I panted " hey papap gramgram ?!" Rafael Diaz looked from the kitchen " oh hey Selene how was the party ?" I looked confused at him. "how did you Know ?" Rafael smiled" oh your friends sent us pictures." I,looked at his phone and saw Alex tied a to a bike "oh no !" I ran out looking at the picture " oh no oh no oh no ! I thought we threw that bike away ?! "I searched my pockets for a my wand and..." to the bike !" I rode my bike to the mall where i saw " Alex !"I got a gummy band what am i saying i got a lot of them and made a net to catch Alex and it worked ! But he landed in the water anyway. I ran to him " Alex ! What happened was it Mandy or -" he hugged " thanks and no it wasn't mandy we watched a hypnosis video and ka-bummm ! Everyone at that party were told to do something stupid now we need to find mandy and your wand !" I looked at him surprised and he ran i followed and we saw mandy tied to a poll. "Mandy how did you end up there ?" She didn't answer because she was snoring " she's asleep ! Ok i will cut the poll down an-" I interrupted him " no i don't have my wand so we will get a mattress and-" mandy stood next to them " hey what's going on ?" "Mandy wait a sec we are- MANDY ?! How did you get out down ?" Chuckled " i have fire powers ! I just rocked down." Alex just said " ferrokinesis" mandy" that's not a word Alex " Alex groaned, I had to ask "do you have my wand ?" Mandy shakes her beanie and a lot stuff fell out" i got it from your mom." Finally a heart shaped crystal fell out of it." We got the charger ! Now where is the Wand ?" Mandy shrugged. I started to dig through the trash pile that came out of the beanie " Freya we can look for it later maby fight some feral monsters ? Or that metal bird !" I Lied down and looked at the sky" Alex that's not a metal bird it's a drone my mom Has two to get her news papers before they burn to ash." I looked at it and jumped " that's my WAND !" Mandy whispered " hey Alex do you a have tranquilizer ? She gone cra " " i have sleeping powder " " show it !" Alex pulled out the small pouch of powder and I accidentally pushed him "no there's my wand ! " they both sneezed and feel asleep " oh come on !" I got a gummy band after preparing i shoot it down well atleast of the spinning thingy" oh just right" i ran to and stood at the right place and i caught it " yes i did it ! " i took mandy to her grandparents. I went to my bed and lied on it and gave my wand a kiss.

Pov alex

I was holding a little mirror the latest thing from pixtopia. Katrina answered " oh hey alex how is earth ?" " sorry captain no small talk where is the queen and king ?" They came to the mirror " hello my squire how are my parents ?" "Fine your majesty and I'm a knight now sir" " I know I know I'm just pulling your leg !" " how did Selene pass her first test?" " if i had to lie terrible, she was the worst ! Yea she was perfect" " good my little burrito is doing great !" She jumped around smiling " star calm down so her first queen test was a success ! But her magic might have problems, sir Alex do you have everything you need ?" I pulled out box filled with pudding and sweets" prepared as always my king " " remember he is a nice guy when you start to get used to him so be nice and he will be nice." I nodded and ended to the call and i went to bed.

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