'Cause you light up the path

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(6:58 PM) You coming?

(6:58 PM) Already on my way

The Thursday night was brumous, and Aeryn highly doubted that they would find any shooting stars. Though, that didn't dampen her spirits. On Monday, she caught 7 while Michael caught 6.

It was a game they played. Everything Monday, Thursday, and Friday, Michael and Aeryn met at the small neighborhood park to compete on who can catch the most shooting stars. Figuratively, of course.

The neighborhood was small and empty, only containing a local drugstore and a small Mexican restaurant.

Aeryn reached the abandoned park, and she grinned as she saw Michael already sat on the grass.

"I thought you'd never make it," he teased.

"Funny," she retorted. Aeryn plopped down next to him, leaning on his shoulder. He kissed the top of her head and wrapped a protective arm around her.

They stared at the sky, seeking out stars. Contrary to popular belief, shooting stars weren't as rare as most would believe. One could only see so much of the sky, and shooting stars could be missed if one blinked at the wrong time; and that is when they were dubbed "rare."

Aeryn inhaled Michael's cologne. It was the one he had been wearing for the past 3 years now. She doesn't believe the cologne is on the market anymore, but that just made Michael all the more magical.

"One," he declared.

"What? When?" Aeryn's eyes flew open—she didn't recall ever closing them in the first place.

Michael laughed. "Just now." He poked his tongue out at her which caused Aeryn to giggle. "Your eyes are close to black. Albeit your eyes being close to black, they appear warm. The stars reflect in your eyes," Michael churred.

His gaze focused on her, making her cheeks blaze pink, but she didn't move. They were lost in each other's eyes, unmindful to the shooting star that passed them seconds ago. Michael's face was mere inches away from Aeryn's. His breath rasped against her face every time he exhaled.

She rested her head on his shoulder once again, taking in whiffs of his smell.

He buried his nose in her hair. "I love you."

"I love you, too," she whispered back.

He raised his head to study her. Their eyes gazed at each other for drawn out moments. Michael leaned in excruciatingly slow. Aeryn caught on and withdrew out of panic. Michael retreated, embarrassed. Explanations got caught in his throat, causing him to choke up.

The tension was thick around them, suspending on their shoulders. Aeryn was convinced it was her fault, so unsure of what to do, Aeryn rested her head on Michael's shoulder like before, taking in his cologne once again. His tense shoulders relaxed.

"Two," he snickered. Aeryn rolled her eyes, bumping his shoulder with her own playfully.

Michael laughed heartily, and she turned her head to peek at his face. His eyes squinted slightly, and his teeth were on full display. His eyes sparkled under the blanket of stars that engulfed them.

Not that she would've admitted it, but the brightest star was right next to her.

[A/N: this entire book is already written so expect daily updatesss. also, yes, this entire book revolves around the coldplay song.]

A Sky Full of Stars // m.g.c. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now