I'm gonna give you my heart

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"M-Mum, I—"

"Just go," her mother sighed. "When you come back home, do your homework and clean up the house. You aren't going to Michael's this afternoon."

Aeryn stumbled on her words. "But Mum!"

"No buts, Aeryn," she hissed. "You chose to take the car and drive somewhere an hour away. You have no one else to blame but yourself."

"It was to bring Michael home from a party," Aeryn stressed.

"And he couldn't drive himself home?"

"He..." Aeryn wasn't sure how to explain that the boy was a tad bit too wasted to drive. She knew her mother was past that information, but she didn't dare to admit Michael drank while being underaged.

Her mother didn't wait for her reply. "Why did Michael need to go home at 2 am?"


"His mother couldn't pick him up?" she continued to fire questions she already knew the answer to, as if to prove her point.


"Quiet," her mother snapped. "You're grounded and that's final."

"You can't do this," Aeryn wailed. "I've never been grounded before."

"That's because you've never been caught before. God knows how many times you've snuck out at night and used the car without a licensed passenger."

Aeryn chewed on her lip. "I'm going to be late."

"There will be no further discussion." With that, her mother turned on her heel and left the room. Aeryn huffed, raking a hand through her hair. She swung her backpack over her shoulder and reluctantly exited the house.

She reached the bus stop right on the dime. The bus could be seen turning the corner at the end of the block. When Aeryn mounted the bus, she was quick to spot Michael's blonde hair and slipped into his seat.

"Hey," he greeted.

"Hi," she returned gleefully. Michael was quick to begin rambling about his most recent music discoveries.

He handed her a headphone. "This song - It, it reminded me of you."

Intrigued, Aeryn paid extra attention to the lyrics. It was more common of a song to catch Michael's attention with the beat, the tempo, the rhythm. Michael's attention span was short to unknown things, and so if the words didn't hit him the first time, he wouldn't stick around for the second.

The song's rhythm was slow, and so were the voices. It wasn't until the lines, "The fault, the blame, the pain's still there. I'm here alone inside of this broken home," tears welled in her eyes.

Michael rested his chin atop Aeryn's head. By the time the song ended, Aeryn shed a few tears, it reminding her of her own life.

"I, I liked it," she complimented, bubbling a laugh for she cried through it and still enjoyed the song.

"I'm s—"

Aeryn shook her head. "Don't. You know I hate when you apologize."



He shifted in his seat. "Right."

Aeryn sighed into Michael's side hug. He pressed his lips onto her forehead, letting them linger for a bit.

She wouldn't dare voice her thoughts, but she wish they could've lingered for a little longer.

[A/N: aeryn's all "i'd do anything for my best fren" & her mom's like "oh believe me ik"]

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