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You sighed and walked along as the chattering blond blabbered on and on.

"So, then I decided I needed a large instead of a small, cause I mean, what a kinda hero am I if I can't hold down a large?" He asked.

"Well I'm sure-" The other blond started. 

"But that doesn't matter anyways, I just got this new release of scary movies from japan, I think I might end up buying them from him."

"I don't think-" He started once more. 

"But I'm not exactly sure if I should." He said once more.

"Well then don't." You grumbled. America nodded letting out a huff. The large building you always seemed to some how admire from a distance, appeared a few meters away. That is until now. Now you were going to see the inside of that beautiful building. It was like a dream come true for you.

"______, you ready?" America's voice broke through your thoughts bringing you back to reality. You raised and eyebrow.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?" You asked. He smiled, now reassured and crossed the road now stopping at the front door. You followed close behind, Canada right after you. America held the door open for you, but of course shut it in Canada's face. You sighed rolling your eyes.

"You're so mean to your brother Alfred." You snapped lightly. He gave you a questionable look.

"What brother?" He asked. You mentally face palmed and sighed walking on. Soon you two, or should I say three, came to a large meeting room. Most of everyone was already seated inside and they looked bored. Some of them bickered, others sat there reading, and some even were asleep on the table. These are adults? You wondered stepping into the room. The atmosphere seemed to shift and most of everyone looked your way. You were someone new and they were interested, you felt your stomach twist. You knew a lot of them. You sort of knew Britain....maybe Russia but he kind of was a little scary. Then there was Italy.

"Veh~ ______?" He asked leaning past Germany. You smiled.

"Hi Italy~" You said. He scurried away from Germany and was instantly latched onto your side.

"_______! Veh~ I've missed you!" He exclaimed. You laughed patting his head. After a short while Germany plucked the Italian off of you and kept a close eye on him. You smiled a little thankful, because man he might look weak, but he sure had a grip! You glanced around and spotted Britain. He sat there looking a little annoyed but content trying hard to focus on anything but the parson who sat next to him. You grew curious. You had never seen this person in your life! You shrugged off the eerie feeling in your gut and took the seat next to him anyways. He was cute and almost looked as if he was a kid version of Britain, but you knew better, the countries weren't as old as they looked to be.

"So cute~" You smiled. The guy glanced over at you.

"What miss?" He asked now facing you. You couldn't help yourself.

"Sorry, you're just so cute!" You smiled. The sides of his mouth twitched upwards into a grin, his eyes flashing. Those eyes...They had a strange tint to them, not an emerald green, but close. Britain turned his jaw clinched.

"______, stop the meeting is going to start." He almost snapped. You were a little hurt and opened your mouth to reply a simple okay, but the guy interjected.

"No, leave us alone Britain, we're just getting along can't you see that?" He asked, you could tell his voice was laced with venom and Britain turned, his jaw still tight. You shrugged it off. Maybe the two were like America and Russia. Those guys never got along! 

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