South KoreaXreader

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You stretched making your spine crackle as you cracked it letting out a sigh of relief. 

"Thank god that's over and done with, now just to ship the papers and wait." You smiled to yourself. That was a habit you had. You would always find yourself talking to yourself when you were alone, though you'd keep it under control when out in public. You gathered all of the papers together and shoved them into a shipping envelope. Making sure to slide it under the laptop you stretched once more. Sighing you stumbled over to the bed that was covered in more paperwork. shuffling it aside you flopped face first into the bed. You passed out and fell into a restless sleep. Once you awoke you were half way off the bed you clothes somehow had found their way off your body. Scrambling back onto the bed you rubbed your face trying to wake yourself up. Grumbling under your breath you rolled over and pulled yourself up onto your unsteady feet. Waltzing over to your dresser you searched quickly. Finding nothing you looked around and picked up a shirt and some shorts since it had been getting pretty hot the past few days. Your one bedroom complex had been messy for the past few weeks. At school they were flinging last minuet assignments on to you and others so you hadn't had any time to clean much around the house. Jumping into the bathroom you sang an old Disney song as you showered and hopped out drying yourself and dressing quickly. Finally you brushed your hair and tied it up into a loose bun. Racing around frantically you finally collected everything and started for the door only to turn around and pull the envelope of papers from under your laptop.

"Here we go." You sighed. Making sure to lock the door you left, and started walking down the block heading strait for the post office. Once it came into view you almost spit out a curse seeing how so many people were in line and waiting. Sighing you knew you had no other choice, if you didn't get these papers mailed off you would fail your collage semester and probably have to redo the whole thing, and you really didn't want to go through all of this again! You waited for a while until your turn came. Quickly you paid your money and handed over the small package then turned ready to get out of there. Just as you were starting to walk out someone grabbed your sleeve making you turn towards them.

"Uh...sorry but is this the corner store?" The man asked looking at you questioningly. You raised an eyebrow at the raven.

"No, why would you think that, this is the post office sir." You said. He laughed letting go of your sleeve.

"Oh, well I can't seem to read English well, would you mind showing me where it is?" He asked. You nodded hesitantly and pushed the door open stepping out onto the sidewalk. 

"It's right over there...." You pointed across the street. He shook his head shamefully.

"How did I not think it would be that?" He asked himself. You patted his back. 

"It's fine, you'll get used to the town sooner or later, well I have to be getting home, but I'll see you later." You smiled and started walking in the opposite direction without letting him respond. You didn't think about any of it at all until you reach the front door of your messy complex. Stepping back in you plopped onto the couch letting out a frustrated sigh. That's when it started. You pictured his questioning face which made you laugh lightly. Feeling stupid you shook away the image. Nope. Just no. Sitting up you rubbed your eyes. This was getting annoying. Standing up you felt sleepiness try and worm it's way back into your body and growled picking up your bag and once again heading out. This time you headed in the opposite direction. Instead of a post office this time you were headed strait for the coffee shop only two blocks away. You wouldn't say that their coffee is the best but it was always better than none, and pretty cheap also. 

"Hey ______! Here for some of the regular?" The cashier, who was conveniently one of your old friends, greeted you. Laughing you walked up.

"Yeah, you know how it is." You said. They nodded and you handed over a five dollar bill and trudged over to one of the booths that lined next to the window.

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