Chapter 1

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Hey guys its Zammie4life here with another Gallagher girl’s fanfiction. This is not going to be a really long story, at most maybe 6 chapters, but I’ll try to make them as long as I can with the exception of the first chapter. Just a side note, they are spies in this story.

The Story of Us

Chapter 1

December 19, 2013

8:00 pm

Cammie pov

“Mom?” I heard a small voice say from the other room. I smiled and walked into the pink room that held my darling daughter. Her name was Cecilia and she is wonderful, I love her with every fiber in my being. I sat down on her bed with the pink sheets, next to her small frame. “Yes darling?” I asked her as she looked up at me with her big innocent eyes. “Can we read?” She was only 3 but loved stories. “Of course” I replied moving the sheets to get both of us warm in the December weather. I grabbed the book on her nightstand. “Are you ready?” I asked her. She nodded her head and snuggled closer to my side. I opened the book and began reading. “Chapter 1….”

4 years ago,

March 24, 2009

The cause of the fight was unclear, but everything else is still burned in the back of my mind. This wasn’t something I could easily forget. One minute Zach and I were on the couch enjoying one another’s presence, and the next we were at each other’s throat. I don’t remember who started it, but I doubted that would matter.

“What do you mean I spend too much time around Grant?!?” I yelled incredulously. What was he talking about? And where did this come from, was it just me or were we not a happy couple only a few moments ago?

“You know what I’m talking about. Every spare second you have you spend with him.” He spat out not even bothering to hide the venom in his voice. So his is what this was all about? He is jealous I hang out with OUR friend. Am I the only one that sees what’s wrong with this?

“Are you serious?! This is what go you so rifles up, needless to say that he’s your friend too.” Like him I didn’t choose to hide the anger and frustration from my slightly-raised voice. 

Zach stood up straight revealing his true height. Normally I would be intimidating, but now I could care less. He was blowing this way out of proportion. The thing was, unlike me Zach didn’t raise his voice when he talked. He came closer to me, and whispered in a deadly voice “Don’t give me that crap, you think I don’t know what you guys do during your ‘talks’”. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a bit scared, but if I learned anything over the past couple of years, it was to not show any emotion to an enemy. And then Zach was acting like my enemy. And for the record, his intimidation wasn’t working.

“Well Zach” I started saying his name with a sneer.  “I never knew you had so much faith in me.” I told him sarcastically. But on a much serious note I continued, he needed to get his facts straight. “All we do is talk, what so hard in believing that?” I inquired. Now this I needed to hear. However, he stays silent, giving me all the answers I need. “So that’s it, you don’t trust me.” His head shot up from his intense gaze on the floor. “I never said that” he countered, but his comment was too little too late.

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