Chapter 3

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Please excuse all spelling/grammatical errors. I hope you guys like this chapter, remember to comment and tell me what you thought! By the way the song on the side is Caraphernelia by Pierce the Veil

Chapter 3

Present time (December 14th 2013 10:00 PM)

I walked quietly to Cecilia's room not to wake her up it was way past her bedtime. We got home from the party late thanks to traffic. I opened the door slowly careful not to make any extra noise with my heels. I smiled she was sound asleep clutching her stuffed bear in her tiny arms. I was about to close the door behind me when I heard a soft voice calling my name. "Mom?" I sighed, I should have been more careful seeing as how she is such a light sleeper. She gets it from her father.

"Yes sweetie" I walked over to her bed kneeling beside her which was very hard in a dress and heels. She rubbed her eyes which needless to say was adorable. "Is something wrong? Are you hungry? Do you have to use the bathroom? Did you have a bad dream?" My motherly instinct kicked in. I would have continued to ask her endless questions when she giggled and put a hand over my mouth.

"Mom. Can you read to me?"

I sighed, "Cece it's late you should go to sleep."

"But you promised!" She whined. Now I was suck, I have to choose between showing a good example by keeping my promise or breaking my promise for discipline. This was a tough decision but in the end I decided to show her a good example, one night wouldn't hurt. Not to mention Cece's pout was too cute to say no too.

"Fine, one chapter then you go straight to sleep." She nodded enthusiastically. I took of my shoes climbing into the bed next to her. Grabbing the book on the nightstand I opened to the book to the page we left off at.

"Chapter 3...."

Sometime around March 29th, 2009

Cammie pov

I jolted up in my bed, panting heavily. I glanced at the clock, 5:00 am still shaking from my dream. My nightmares keep coming back. They've gotten worse, I can't even close my eyes anymore in case I fall asleep and encounter another of the horrible dreams. I try my hardest not to fall asleep, I drink caffeine constantly in hope I wouldn't drift off into unconsciousness. All it done was get me addicted to coffee. So far nothing has proven to work because every day I experience the same dream over and over again. Sometimes I wake up screaming, it can become too much to handle sometimes.

In one of my dreams I saw my father. He was there throwing one insult after another. That was the nightmare I experienced that night. What hurt the most was that it was my father trying to tear me down. I look up to him (one of the last memories I have of him was when we went to the circus together, one of the happiest moments of my life) and I know it's just a dream but it's one of those things where you couldn't help but get offended or hurt. I am proud to be his legacy, however it seems as if everything he said struck a nerve. His words were still fresh in my mind, even to this day.

"You're worthless."

"How are you even my daughter?"

"I can't believe you will be all that is left of my legacy. You don't deserve it."

"Zach was right it should have been you"

I climbed out of the bed walking to the bathroom shedding silent tears. Perhaps a shower would help my sobs. I needed more caffeine I doubt I could go through it again. I can't trust myself to stay awake. Eventually the drowsiness would catch up with me, but for now I was trying to prologue it as long as I could. I don't know how much longer I can have go on without sleeping. It could be days, it could me months, it could even be mere minutes.

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