Alternate ending #1

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The beginning of this ending is from Chapter 6. Disclaimer Ally Carter owns all except for the plot and my own made-up character Cecelia. The song on the side is I'll Be by Edwin Cavin (i think thats his name correct me if i'm wrong)

Alternate ending #1

December 17th, 2013 7:30 PM

Cammie pov

“MOMMMMMMMM!!” Cece shouted running around the house. I was just finishing up the dishes when she called. I checked the time on the clock, it was early for her to want her bedtime story.

She could be tired I thought. We took Cece to the park today.  She had a lot of fun, she was running all over the place, playing with all the others kids, she is a pretty social toddler. The only trouble was that we had a hard time keeping track of her since she was running everywhere. I have to say, Cece is fast, she got that from me (don’t tell her father). It was no doubt that she would be tired this early, she used up a lot of her energy.

I walked to the living room where she was sitting on her father’s lap on the couch watching cartoons. I had to let out a smile, it was just too cute. Her eye lips were droopy struggling to stay awake while my husband was already fast asleep on the couch still holding his daughter. I made my way towards her slowly, careful not to wake my sleeping beauty.

“Come on Cece time for bed.” She nodded jumping off of his lap and into my outstretched arms. “Mom I’m tired” She said her words becoming slurred. “Shhh let’s go to your room” Her head rested on my shoulder, I felt her starting to drift off to sleep. Thankfully her room wasn’t that far from the living room. I opened the door and navigated my way through the darkness.

I gently placed her on the bed, tucking her small frame into the blankets around her. Her hair spread out across the pillow making her look even more like an angel. Cece’s eyes closed as she started to let out soft snores. I always loved her eyes, they looked so unique just like she is. It was a mix between my blue eyes and- I became sidetracked in describing my daughter’s eyes that I forgot about sleeping beauty in the other room.

I walked back to the living room with quiet steps in order to let everyone sleep. By now my husband was sprawled across the couch clutching one of Cece’s many toys that were all over the house. Needless to say it was freaking hilarious. I ran quickly and swiftly to my room to retrieve my phone. I quickly took a picture before sending it to my friends. Bex was the first one to respond. She sent me a copy of the picture only she drew on it with her editing skills. I chuckled out loud. Realizing my mistake I looked to see if he’d awoken. He was still sound asleep.

I sent Bex a quick reply before setting my phone down in front of the coffee table. I turned off the TV shaking my head at the ridiculous cartoon. Then I turned to face my husband. As funny as he looked, he was looking good. I lifted him and carried him over my shoulder making a mental note to talk to him about his weight. Although most of it was muscle rather than fat. Regardless I carried him to our room where I set him down on the bed, tucking him in just like Cece. Once that was finished I went and climbed onto the bed next to him.

I barely got any sleep before I heard Cece call for me. I got up from the warm sheets and made my way to her room.

“Mommy? Is that you?” She asked once she saw my silhouette in the doorway. “It’s me sweetheart” I sat on the edge of her bed. “What’s wrong?” I asked her.

She looked up at me with her puppy dog eyes. I sighed, I knew where this was going. I also knew there was no arguing with her when she has her mind set, just like me. I turned on the light and grabbed the book from her nightstand.

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