Chapter 4

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I am so sorry for the long wait for this chapter, I barely have any time to write lately in any of my stories and the last chapter for Last to Know took longer to write than I thought. I promise the next chapter will be up more quickly! On another note, thanks for all your support!! And I hope you guys like this chapter. Just a side note this story will be ending soon, probably in the next 2-3 chapters. The song on the side is Trying Not to Love You by Nickelback.

Disclaimer I do not own the Gallagher Girl series or the quote(s) I used/altered from Harry Potter they belong to their rightful owners J.K Rowling and Ally Carter. Warning for all Zach lovers, the characters (cough Cammie cough) make some rude comments about him. This is such a long author's note. Now without further ado I present Chapter 4!

Chapter 4

December 15, 2013 8:30 PM (present time)

"MOM!!" I heard Cece say dragging out the m. I got up to see what she needs only to find her in her room tucked into her bed by her father smiling widely. "Mommy can you read to me?" she asked in her cute little toddler voice. How can I say no to that? Don't get me wrong we don't spoil her that much, well her father does. She's daddy little girl. That reminds me I have to tell- Cece brought me out of my thoughts with her puppy dog eyes. Curse her father for that, you wouldn't believe how many times he used it on me. You would think I would be immune by now.

Anyway, I nodded giving into my daughter. I took the book from her nightstand where I left it the night before and made room on the bed for both of us. When we were nice and warm I opened up to the page we left off at.

"Chapter 4....." I began.

April 2nd 2009,

Isn't it funny how one decision can change your whole life? Just a couple of days ago I broke up with Zach Goode, my boyfriend form the early days of my time at the Gallagher Academy. I can't say I wasn't affected by my decision. Zach was a big part of my life, emphasis on the word was. Maybe that should change, I mean change can be good sometimes right? I thought. I wondered if it was time for me to move on, that it was time to start a new chapter of my life and let go of the last.

I'd be lying if I said this breakup wasn't hard on me. I always thought Zach and I would be together forever as childish as it sounds. Every girl dreams she'll find the one she'll spend the rest of her life with. We can all dream of a happily ever after. I've been trying to get over Zach, but something's are easier said than done. Not to mention the fact that I had no clue on how to get over him. I trusted my instincts and did my best to take my mind off of thoughts about him. Once again, much easier said than done.

My mother had helped tremendously. Most of the time she was here she would either force me to eat or scold me for not cleaning my room like I was 13 again. I was extremely grateful for her help. Without her I would be more depressed than I already was. 

She came earlier that day, like she's done for the last couple of days...following certain events. Keeping my mind off of Zach proved to be much harder than I thought. Anyway my mother neglected to scold me for once because I finally managed to take the time and clean certain aspects of my house. I remember her attempting to make soup, key word in that sentence being attempting. My mother has never been a good cook. Onetime she even managed to burn microwave popcorn. I honestly can't see how you can go wrong with popcorn, you simply put it in, press the button and wait like 2 minutes. Thankfully due to the countless amount of cooking classes I took when I was younger I could make the simplest of foods without it catching on fire or giving anyone food poisoning. In the end we managed to put out the small fire in my kitchen and order pizza.

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