Alternate ending 2

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Pleasse excuse all grammar and spelling mistakes.

Alternate ending #2

"Tell me that kiss didn't mean anything to you" his voice was pleading now. I hated to crush his heart but I didn't know if I was ready to do this, to risk what I had. Josh and I were fine. Now Zach has to go an get me all confused about everything. I did feel the sparks in the kiss. It was like the first time all over again.

I missed him, I couldn't deny that. However the question was if I was ready to risk being hurt again.

There is no guarantee that Zach and I would work out. I had my heart broken once because of him. I'm still recovering from that. Who's to say the same wont happen again? What if i hurt him this time?

"Cammie?" He asks in a voice barely above a whisper. I shook my head. Everything was happening too fast.
I needed time to think, time I didn't have.

"I can't so this Zach" I tell him tears flooding my eyes. This was probably one of the hardest things I had to do. My heart told me to stay but my brain told me to go. It's time I start listening to the ration side of me and stop living in fantasies and the land of make believe.

"Who's to say it won't happen again? Who's to say we won't hurt each other? I can't risk it Zach." Tears began to fall freely down my face. How does something feel so wrong despite being what I want...isn't it?

"Don't say that" he says. This was one of the only times I saw him vulnerable. This wasn't just hurting to. "Don't do this Cammie, we can make this work." I shake my head again and let out a butter laugh. "We never worked out" Tears started forming in his eyes. It killed me to see him like this and knowing I was the source. It killed me to say those words. Each one that escaped my mouth was a stab to my heart.

I loved Zach. Josh was a rebound and safety, that's what I needed.

"Tell me you don't love me" I brushed away a tear from his cheek. "I love you Zach, so much that it hurts but I have do this. I'm sorry"

"Just let me kiss you one last time" I nodded not bothering to wipe away my tears. The kiss was soft and gentle. We knew this goodbye but neither of us wanted it to end. I never meant for this to happen. I pulled away after a while before saying in a small voice "Goodbye Zach" And with that said I walked away.

I remember looking back to see him on his knees crying. I remember walking away shedding my own tears. This was for the best I thought trying to convince myself. What if I made the biggest mistake in my life. How will I be able to undo this?

It was a miracle i made it back to the ballroom without tripping through my blurry vision.

"Are you ok?" Josh asked upon seeing me. Unable to say a word without bursting into tears I nod. "I'm fine" In all my years if being a spy that was the biggest lie i told.

Present day

"Then what happened mommy?" I smiled sadly at her. "Your father and I got married and had you" I eventually told Josh that I was a spy. He was really understanding and reasonable throughout the whole situation.

I looked into her blue eyes seeing the green I once knew. My mind always played tricks on me. I saw Zach everywhere. I still have dreams of that moment, it leaves me crying on the middle of the night. No one knows i dream about it. She looked more like than Josh only inheriting my blonde hair. I missed Zach and I still loved him. We occasionally saw each other at work briefly but other than that we avoided each other.

"Are you happy?" She asked. I nodded managing to crack a smile. All in all i guess I was happy with the events of that night. I miss Zach but we were only kidding ourselves with a relationship. Things would never worked out, we were too similar.

"Come on let's go to bed" Josh said tucking Cece in. I kissed her forehead and bid her goodnight before following him to our room. As i lay in the blankets i realized maybe something's weren't meant to be.

I just hope he ended up with someone he deserved. I know I wasn't, not anymore.

A/N: That wasn't one of the happiest endings for Zach and Cammie. But at least she realizes she still has feelings for him at the end. It was pretty difficult to write this chapter. I desperately wanted to put them together in the end but its an alternate ending so at least it wasn't the actual ending when Zammie prevails.

I don't know where I'm going with this authors note so I'm going to end it here. Comment/vote if you almost cried (*cough me cough*)

Anyway i hope you guys have a Merry Christmas/happy holidays and a great new years!!

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