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2 years later~

Yoongi was one of the top ten richest business men alive, his partner was now Lee Soo, the first intern to have been directly promoted because of her 'hard work'.

They were soon about to tie the knot as Lee Soo's dad, one of the most respected people in the business, had announced the June wedding.

Hoseok was in town, in Yoongi's cabin, convincing him to find someone else. Hoseok had seen the woman with other men, he didn't know how else to convince his brother.

"I don't want to disrespect her parents. Everything is set. I don't want to ruin their reputation by calling it off" Yoongi spoke.

"how will you live with her? She's going to be your wife, and the engagement is only one month away." Hoseok was almost losing his temper.

"I'll manage, I don't need much anyway, I just need someone so that the media doesn't accuse me of not being straight" Yoongi smirked, trying to lighten things up.

"I'm leaving for the meeting in new York, tonight, you're going to be landing tomorrow right?" Hoseok asked, as the brothers were reuniting for tie ups.

"Yes Hobi" Yoongi started to type away on his laptop.


Hoseok reached new York in a few hours, irritated by the jetlag he couldn't manage sleeping, so he took a stroll in the park, where he didn't expect to see his brothers company's former chief financial officer.


She was walking with a pram, she looked radiant as ever, why did she ever leave my brother, Hoseok thought.

He slowed down when she was walking, making her almost bump the pram into him.

"I'm so sorry" she began apologizing until she saw Hoseok's face, she froze.

The sudden jerk had startled the baby inside the pram, which started to cry.

"Jun ah it's okay eomma is here, hush" she carried it and soothed it's back.

Hoseok offered to carry the baby. SeoYeon was surprised but gave him, he hushed the baby in seconds.

"how is my favorite girl?" Hoseok asked her, he missed her around.

"I'm okay Hoseok, it's just a little hectic" she spoke, almost tearing up as he opened his free arm to hug her.

"how are you?" she asked, a few tears rolling off without her knowledge, Hoseok gave her his hanky.

She wiped her tears. And looked at him playing with the baby.

"so he's yours?" he asked her, sitting on a near by bench, making the baby laugh with the funny noises he produced.

"yes" she answered, and prayed that he shouldn't ask anymore questions.

"how old is he?" Hobi asked, enjoying with her child.

"he's one" she was answering bare minimum.

"you're working?" he asked, curiously.

"yes, I'm a teacher in the Institute of management" she answered,  shocking Hoseok.

"may I ask you for a cup of coffee?" and she nodded yes.

"you know, he misses you" Hoseok looked at the now sleeping baby in the pram.

"I don't want to know Hoseok, he's marrying another woman,  I guess we all have to move on someday" she answered.

"it's much more complicated than that. I almost forgot to ask, what's this handsome boy's name?" Hoseok caressed the baby's cheek, lovingly, he looked exactly like Yoongi when he was a baby.

"Min Jun" she looked away from him, sipping her thick chocolate latté.

"you know he's the splitting image of Yoongi when he was a baby, right?" he raised a brow.

"I don't know, I don't want to, Min Jun does not have a dad" she angrily replied.

"he would, if you would've just tried to listen to Yoongi, he was going to ask you to marry him Pabo." Hoseok looked at her tearing up.

SeoYeon POV flashback~

I saw the reports and it was positive, I was having a baby.

I puked in anxiety. I couldn't deal with this, Yoongi would hate this, Yoongi would never accept this, it would ruin our career, our relationship, everything. 

"it's too late to abort the baby" the doctor said, I was too tired to go to work so I was frequently taking leaves, Yoongi didn't mind of I didn't want to do anything, he was busy himself, but he was keeping things from me. 

Somehow I felt we were becoming distant, he was being understanding about my health and my fatigue. 

That's when we had to go abroad for a conference which I couldn't go to because of morning sickness, Yoongi assumed it was the food and weather change or the jetlag, and I thanked god for that. 

I wanted to tell him, but I couldn't. 

And that's when it happened, our company was ruined, I knew that Yoongi would manage it, but if he found out about this he'd panic. 

I left, without any trace, changed my number, and went to my grandmother in new York.

I hated everything, my job, my life, Yoongi, everything was gone. 

But when Min Jun was born,  I got busy,  so I didn't feel the emptiness anymore. He was a quiet child, like his father, wasn't very noisy, was healthy and sleepy. 

Since Min Jun naturally slept so much, I took up a job, and it paid me peanuts but it kept me busy and my brain active. 

I had invested in the shares of my company, and most of my savings were for Min Jun. I thought of staying low for a few years until I could apply elsewhere, so Yoongi wouldn't find me. 

End of flashback~ 

"that's why he was acting secretive, because he was planning so many things for you and him, you should've given him a chance" Hoseok spoke for his brother. 

"Hobi yah. It's too late. I really do wish he likes Min Jun" she sighed. 

"It's never too late" Hobi got up after paying the bill. "about Min Jun, everyone would love him, just look at him, sipping on his bottle, it's his child, he'll love him more than anyone" Hoseok looked at Min Jun sleep and his heart swelled, he was an uncle. 

"I'll send presents for my nephew later, see you Seo, take care" he hugged her tight and left. 

"you promised not to tell him" SeoYeon reminded, and he nodded seriously. 

"promise" he murmured before leaving. 

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