SMS ( deep title ) ^~^

41 4 5

So i haven't update this book but it doesn't seems that someone cares so..

I think that I'm loosing my best friend..

 ( not loosing her but It seems like she don't like me that much like before)

Uf, Sorry, that was a little  over dramatic know, i should stop with that

  I'm not sure but It just feels like it. She is very nice, kind and funny ^_^

We had a little, kind of quarrel

( not something big but it feels like it)

I will not tell you what it was about but right after school I send her a message

 ( I was a bit angry at her after so I didn't speak to her)

 but she' s just ignoring me •_• and I send it like three/ four days ago.. It's winter break so I will not see her until the next Monday (yhhh) I really don't think that you care but still...


My B E A U T I F U L  piece of shit T-TWhere stories live. Discover now