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So, helo, helo guys

This isn't actually an update ( or it may be for u tho, but its a really short one )

But, anyways, let's just get to the point. As some of u may know i play a sport, yeah, it's soccer. So we played a match today and guess what... We won!

Robin played too ( of course) and she was Amazing! She played back in the middle ( as middle defense - I'm not even sure if that is what u call it, but let's just go with it, u get it right? ) and she like saved the most of the balls ( g00d Robin, u was great today - like i said u saved most of the balls before our keeper-( she was also very good btw ) so keep it up!) Uhm, it sounds like i'm her coach or something.. Eh, what ever.

So i played as the midfielder ( on the right side ) all of the first half and after that we had a 10 minutes break.

So our coach decided to give us an motivation talk thing and said what we should do better and what we did great, so he started with the other girls and the suddenly he looked at me and said something about that i did played very good, was the one that did run the most and all of that, and then the girls just started to cLaP for me...

I was happy and all that but i was a bit ( very) embarrassed ( don't judge me, i don't know the most of the girls that well so i can be ehm, shy? U get it..)

So after my-tomato-red-face did relax we had to play again. I got the ball. Went over ( with the ball, why i'm i even saying that, u know that T-T ) to theirs half and i don't know had i did that but i actually kinda dribbled with the ball ( i'm not good at it so it sure looked funny and clumsy, but it worked, so i don't care ) i still had the ball so i shoot the ball and i scored!

I know that if some of u plays a sport then u may think that its not a big deal, but it is for me tho. I didn't started that long ago so i'm still new in the team and this was my first goal:)

The girls went happy and hugged/high faved me. Robin, heh, she was also happy for me-(and our team)- because she's Mama Noot cares for everyone ( yeh, it's true )

Sorry if this chapter was boring but i'm just happy tha i fInAlLy did it.

That's everything ^-^

Hope u are having/ had a good day!

Oh, and if u have some hobby or u are playing some kind of sport then sure tell what it is ( btw reading or sleeping is also a hobby, hehe, yeah, cause c'mon who doesn't like to read? - there are many people on the earth who doesn't like it but shhhh)


My B E A U T I F U L  piece of shit T-TWhere stories live. Discover now