
31 1 17


*Me loving that the title has completely nothing with the chapter but, actually, wanna hear a secret? 


It's truth ( of course it is ) 

So I've made this book thing and I haven't actually wrote much in it..

(I don't even know why I'm writing this either tho)
I've been a lot on Wattpad- just to read Fanfics, but I was too lazy to write something here..
So I guess this is kinda a diary- let's say it a journal, that's more fun I guess- I have to tell you some boring stuff
Oh, I have one! It was my birthday yesterday c: it was nice. Ehhh, what more? I ate cake and was with my family( I will have a little kinda birthday party next week but I will just invite my closest friends)
I'm thinking about to start writing a fanfic. (A) bout TMR. (It will be a Newt fanfic just because I love him and I want him to be real.( But who doesn't?  )

If I will I don't think that people will read it😂 cause I'm not that kind of person  who can update quick and be cool just like- hey everyone, I'm.... and this is my book- I'm more- hey, you can read this, but don't read this if you don't want to, I'm  sorry If I'm weird.- so anyways I'm just saying that if you want then I will make a fanfic if I don't get to lazy and forget bout everything I said..

As I said I love to read fanfics ( like everyone I'm not special )
So, if you want just comment some and I will read itT-T ( cause  I love it)
That's everything.

I will TRY my best to update this thing but i   will sure take my time😅

Again, I'm sorry if it was bad and you read it and now regret it. But.. Yeah.

Baiii to all who are reading this and see you

-I'm not saying soon cause I don't know when I will update.. I will wait for some interesting stuff to come and find me


My B E A U T I F U L  piece of shit T-TWhere stories live. Discover now