U wanna hear my secret?

21 2 2

So right now I'm in the car ( I know that u don't care but me is  bored) We played one match and we. LoOsEd Y-Y
But, hey! Our team played really good! Soo we can say that we actually won ^~^
And you know Robin-@R2__D2 she was amazing!!! I have a talented mother u know c:

It was fun and all that stuff but I didn't play as well as I could.. I had a lot of chances when I could do it much better but I didn't :-/
Everybody said that I played great but let's be honest - I have ReAlLy kind, nice friends but I know by myself when I'm doin this shit  great and when me SuCk T_T
I was obviously trying my best but it was one of my worst matches but I will do it better next time.. He He He.. Okey, I will try tho

U see? I'm an kind human
U got two updates today :)
If you read this then I have a secret to tell you..

I'm weird

Who I'm I even kidding ? Everybody knows that I'm weird
Hope your day is/was great :)

-Ame *~*

My B E A U T I F U L  piece of shit T-TWhere stories live. Discover now