Eliza is irritating the shit out of me

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Help me! Help! She is  so annoying! 

There you have some of here quotes today

" Bob"

 "She is so cause she is so" 

" I'm so boying, yeah, i'm going to boyyy you all"  

This isn't making any sense.  She is sitting right beside me, right now trying to kiss my screen while singing " Trying, Trying, yea, bish" But i love her❤️. My best friend ( tho she's super weird ) this isn't actually an update but i needed someone normal to talk to.. She's been laughing all day long😂 I need help Y_Y

Now she's asking ouer teacher about him buying a book for her. You now what, i don't need help, she does😂 

It's  raining, wooho, i just love when it's  raining and i'm a wet as rain

( don't  judge me, i know, this sentence isn't making any sense, but, its me being sarcastic T-T) 

Now, a boy in my class asked what i'm doin, i answerd, "i'm writing", he said " What tho?"  " Words".. Imma nice human ^~^, he asked, again " What tho?"  "Morten" Don't even ask what that i supposed to mean.. ( its a random name, i guess ) 

But, okey, i need to leave now, my class is in chaos [*_*]

Have nice-what u even have! 

PS: I'm soon finished with my second chapter on " My little survivor " so, i'm gonna post it soon (Possibly tommorow, or on saturday :) ) 

Baiiiii humans 

Be weird and all that stuff


My B E A U T I F U L  piece of shit T-TWhere stories live. Discover now