Zhao, Agni Kai, and an Apology?

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Staring up at the ceiling of my cell became boring. I was just about to start playing with my fire when a door opened up, alerting me to someone's presence. I gingerly turn my head towards the cell bars, and notice a large military man standing there, a mask covering his face. 

"State your name and rank." He proclaims, authority radiating from him in large waves.

"Shenmi Huo... uh... unranked." I answer, kinda confused.

"Was the Avatar ever aboard this ship?"

I scoff, letting out a sharp laugh. "I've been knocked out for five days and locked down here. If he was, I wouldn't know. It's not like Scarface or the guards tell me anything." I turn my head back to the ceiling, no longer interested in the man.

Without a word, the footsteps of him walking away reach my ears. A deep sigh, and a small nap later, I was awoken again by Iroh.

"Shenmi, can you walk properly?"

"Yes, but it's slow going."

"Good, Prince Zuko has been challenged to an Agni Kai today at sunset. I would like you to join me." He states, opening the cell door.

I slowly push myself off the bed. "What's an Agni Kai? And why would you want me with you? Wouldn't Scarface be upset?"

He walks into the cell, and offers a hand to help me up. Hesitantly, I take it. "I cannot watch my nephew get hurt without support." He helps hoist me up, to which I let out a small hiss of pain. "An Agni Kai is an ancient Fire Nation tradition. I'm shocked that you haven't heard of it." 

I smile at him in thanks for helping. "I was born and raised in the Earth Kingdom, I don't know anything about my nation, not really."

Iroh gasps in shock. "Well, I am very well versed in our history and traditions, perhaps I can teach you about it during our time together."

"You'd really do that?" I ask, surprised. This man hardly knew me, and yet he wanted my support for his nephew, and wanted to teach me the Fire Nation's history and culture.

"Of course, it's the least I can do for you coming with me for this." At this, we finally made it out of the bowels of the ship, and into the sun. The temperature change was incredible, and seeing the green grass and trees made it worthwhile.

"Are you sure he won't mind, your nephew?" 

"Oh he will mind, but I will defend you. In time, he will see that you are no threat." I scoff at this, slightly offended.

"Is my firebending that bad?"

"No my dear. But you are like a mother Platypus-Bear. You only attack when your loved ones are threatened. There is nothing wrong with that." He leads me off the ship, and onto solid ground, where many people stare and watch us pass them by.

"I don't even know how to firebend. I don't want to learn. All it causes is pain." I whisper, wishing so badly that I didn't have this power. 

We finally enter into a large arena, one that must have been built after the Earth Kingdom harbor was taken over. "Perhaps, this can change your mind. Fire is more than pain and destruction if you know how to use it." Iroh claims, placing a hand on her back. "It can also be light and hope." He leads me to where Scarface was standing, his face going red from anger at the mere sight of me.

"Uncle! What is the traitor doing out of her cell?!" He asks, his voice laced with venom.

Before Iroh could speak up, I beat him to it. "I'm here to help him get through watching you fight, since you only care about yourself. After, I'll go back to my cell without a fight." Iroh sends a quick smile my way, before frowning and looking directly into Scarface's eyes.

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