Shopping, Basics, and Kyoshi?

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Okay, so .... not going to lie. It's been a while. But to make up for it, this is extremely long, over 3500 words, with some fluff in there, and some back story. I hope you enjoy!

"Iroh, I'll never be able to do this!" I exclaim, the red candle still unlit after four hours of attempts.

"You will, it just takes time. Perhaps we should try to meditate again?" With a deep sigh, I shake my head.

"How about a game of Pai Sho and some tea? I need to calm down." Iroh simply smiles and nods.

"Very well. You should know however, that meditation will greatly help you control the fire within yourself. With a level head comes patience and power." He leads me down the halls towards the kitchen, trying so hard to remember how to get there. It's been about a week since Zuko let me have my own room, and I'm still getting lost in this place.

"I don't want to firebend. It brings nothing but pain and fear." 

"Shenmi, if you do not learn, any time you become angry there is a chance that you could hurt someone. I believe you should learn to control it, so there's no chance of that happening."

Just as we get to the kitchen, a soldier walks up to Iroh and hands him a scroll. Iroh dismisses the man and reads the print, only to have a frown upon his face. 

"This is not good."

"What isn't good?" I ask, curious.

"We have no idea where the Avatar is. My nephew will not be happy." He looks at me with a sly grin. "Perhaps you should tell him. He seems to favor you."

I hold my hands up and shake my head. "Nope! I just got on his good side, there's no way I'll be telling him that."

"You expect me to tell him alone? You would leave me to do this without backup?" He asks.

I groan loudly. "Fine, I'll go with you, but I wont say a word." His frown turns into a large smile as we begin to walk back down the hallway and towards the stairs where Zuko's bedchamber lies. 

My walking has improved, and I can move more freely, but the burn is still sensitive to temperatures and certain fabrics. Doctor Rei has done a marvelous job at healing me, and claims that in another week or two, I would almost be back to normal. 

I watch as Iroh slowly cracks open Zuko's door.

"The only reason you should be interrupting me, is if you have news about the Avatar." He states, calm and collected. If only it would stay like that after this news. 

Iroh pushes up the door completely, the scroll raised in his hands. I spot Zuko sitting in front of candles, he must have been meditating. Maybe I should ask him to help me with that... 

"Well, there is news, Prince Zuko, but you might not like it. Don't get too upset." 

"Uncle, you taught me that keeping a level head is a sign of a great leader. Now, whatever you have to say, I'm sure I can take it."

I hold back a chuckle, and slowly back away from the two, knowing what would happen.

"Okay then," Iroh states, then a bit hesitant, continues, "We have no idea where he is." 

I see the flames on the candles grow huge as Zuko gets angry. "What!?" Heat builds in the room, making me glad I was not in there with Iroh.

"You really should open a window in here."  I release the chuckle at Iroh's words. Of course he would say something like that.

Zuko walks up to Iroh and snatches the scroll from his hand. "Give me the map!"

"Well, there have been multiple sightings of the Avatar, but he is impossible to track down." I shake my head, knowing that Aang was just a kid. He wanted to have fun, not be evasive.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2018 ⏰

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