Imagines Part 2; Facing Your Worst Fear

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It had been at least three months since you've joined up with the residential trouble makers of the lovely town of Derry, The Losers Club. You were having a pretty cool summer vacation hanging out with The Losers until the reports of missing kids started popping up everywhere. Your parents, of course immediately forbade you from staying out any later than eight o'clock. And boy, did you hate it. The Losers caused the most mischief after eight. You were genuinely annoyed that you couldn't hang out with your best friends, but you understood your parents just wanted to protect you from whatever the hell was kidnapping those poor kids. And to be completely honest, you were glad. You didn't want to join the ranks of those lost kids that, you would never say aloud(especially not in front of Bill, poor thing lost his brother), were never coming home and were more than likely cold, stiff, and laying at the bottom of some nearby lake or quarry where their bodies couldn't be found. You also wouldn't say this in front of your parents because that just sounded plain messed up.
Anyways, you were sitting in your room when you heard the downstairs phone ring. It took a few moments, but you heard your mother call your name.
"[Y/N]! Phone!" You smiled and leapt off of your bed, scurrying down the steps and into the living room where the phone, and your grinning mother, were waiting. She handed the phone to you and stepped out of the way, heading upstairs.
"Thanks mama!" You called after her.
"Just tell Beverly I say hello!" She called back. Your mood immediately lifted exponentially. Beverly called? Sweet!
"Hello? [N/N]?]" You heard her voice from over the phone.
"Howdy Bev." You relied cooly.
"So, heard you were under house arrest." She teased, wasting no time.
"It's not house arrest!" You laughed. "Just my parents keepin' me safe, that's all."
"House arrest." She hummed. "Anyways, we were gonna sneak out to the quarry tonight."
"I can't-" You immediately started, but were cut off.
"That's why I said sneak." You could almost feel her wink through the phone, thus causing your cheeks to turn a light shade of pink.
"Bev, seriously. I can't. My parents would have a heart attack!"
"What they don't know won't kill 'em!"
"Beverly, seriously." You heard her huff, and your smile turned to a frown. You didn't want to upset her, or come off as a goody-two-shoes(even though you had long since proved you were anything but a goody-two-shoes). You let out a sigh, and ran your hand through your [H/C] hair. "I... I can try."
"Wait, what?"
"I can try to sneak out." You lowered your voice to a whisper. "But if I get caught, it's your fault if I can't hang out with you guys for a month." You heard a little squeal of joy, and the grin returned to your face.
"Awesome! I'll tell the boys." With that, the phone clicked and the dial tone began to sing. You put the phone back on the hook, and turned to return to your room.

Later That Night;

You had somehow successfully snuck out of your house. You were walking down your street, bike rolling along beside you. You didn't want to hop on your bike as it was old and squeaky, and the brakes squealed whenever you tried to stop. You didn't want to wake up your neighborhood just by riding the old thing, so you opted for the safer option of walking. As you walked, you began to think. And thinking was a dangerous thing. Before long, you were snapped back into reality by noticing a little rubber duck sitting in the middle of the road.
You, being completely insensible, wheeled over to it. You reached to pick it up, but before you could make contact, you felt a million pairs of spiders crawling all over you. You squealed in surprise, flailing and trying to brush them off. Eventually, you flopped to the ground on your back and kept trying to brush the little spawns of Satan off. You stopped after your arms and legs hurt from thrashing about on the pavement. When you looked down, you expected to see spiders still crawling all over you.
Instead you were greeted by an even more unsettling sight; absolutely nothing. There was no trace of any bugs crawling on you at all. You stood up and glanced around, praying you hadn't woken any neighbors up. Luckily you hadn't, but that wasn't your biggest worry at the moment. You looked ahead and saw a single red balloon floating onto the street. For some reason, your blood ran cold and your heart seemed to stop. Why was a balloon giving you such bad vibes?
You realized when you heard a giggle and the balloon suddenly popped, why you had been so terrified of the balloon.
Standing there, in all of its glory, was your worst fear. Your palms immediately grew sweaty, and your throat felt like the Sahara desert had suddenly decided to move and pick up residence in your body. [ Insert fear here ] began to move towards you, and you stepped back. With each step you took back, it took one forwards. You didn't realize it, oh no, but you were quickly running out of street to stand in. Before long, you tripped over the curb and landed on your ass in the grass, scraping up your palms even more. That's when [ FEAR ] broke out into a sprint, coming straight for you.
You let out a blood curdling scream, and raised your hands in front of your face to defend yourself. You awaited the impact, but it never came. Instead, a gentle touch rested on your shoulder, causing you to jump nearly out of your skin.
"[Y/N]?" Came a familiar voice. "Are you okay?"
You turned your head and saw your fellow Losers standing behind you, all looking worried.
"We heard you scream so we biked here as fast as we could." Ben said.
"Are you okay?" Beverly asked, suddenly coming into your field of view. She crouched in front of you, and took one of your hands in hers.
Her eyebrows were creased with worry, and a small frown had settled on her usually carefree face. You nodded numbly, trying to stand.
"Whoa!" Richie yelped when you started to fall once more. "You sure you good?"
"This was a bad idea." You whispered. Only Beverly heard. A deeper frown set on her face and she nodded, almost to herself.
"Guys, let's redo this another night. [Y/N] isn't feeling good."
"I'd say!" Richie laughed, earning a glare from the rest of the Losers. With that, the group al agreed to reschedule and try again another night. Beverly decided she would walk you home, since you did just basically have a heart attack.

Beverly Marsh (It 2017) ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now