Imagine 6; The Crack House

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Quick A/N !!

also gifs don't work on mobile so I can't put the pretty gifs of Bev anymore :((
Also totally didn't call the last chapter / imagine part 6 without realizing it nope
Also I hope you all can put up with my stupid sense of humor lMAO

AAAAA THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH??? WHY IS THIS POPULAR???? OMG??? I LOVE YOU GUYS A A A A A also gifs don't work on mobile so I can't put the pretty gifs of Bev anymore :((Also totally didn't call the last chapter / imagine part 6 without realizing it...

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As the summer stretched out, you began to explore more and more with The Losers Club. You were braver, nothing scared you anymore. Which is an all out lie, and you're stupid for ignoring the warning signs that "Hey, there's some tom-fuckery going on in this shit-hole of a town called Derry!" But I digress. One afternoon while exploring with your beloved friends, you passed by probably the creepiest house you ever have and ever will see. Your parents were always wary of the house on 29 Neibolt Street, so much so that they would speed up when they drove past it. Call it superstition, or a really really good gut instinct to stay the hell away from that damned place. However, unlike your parents, you were curious about the place; you wanted to explore it like a typical horror movie. Now, you would never in a million years go in there alone, you were brave, not stupid. So when your friends suggested checking out that more-than-likely-haunted-hell-house, you jumped on the chance. Of course the others were a little more concerned, but you talked them into it. Eddie and Stan were definitely not going to explore that place of their own free will, that was until you had a stern talking to (more like blackmailing and sweet talking) them and convinced them to tag along. So, that's how you ended up at The Neibolt House, standing outside in its front yard, while listening to Stan, Eddie, and Ben actually be reasonable and try to leave. You looked over to Beverly, and saw just a shadow of fear casted across her freckled face, and thus you began having second thoughts. The bravest girl you know is even afraid of this house, so why aren't you? Balls of steel? Stupid? We just don't know. Of course, it took Richie calling the others pussies for not wanting to explore the house, and Bill stuttering out, "I'm not a pussy, Richie!" to get the three boys and Beverly to go inside. You all slowly entered, cautious as all fuck because who knew what could be in there? A homeless dude with a knife and a taste for murder? Another (insert greatest fear here)? Anything really, thus why you all treaded with great caution. You were absolutely fixated on the interior of the house, ignoring the others as you studied the weeds and grass and various broken objects that littered the inside. You began to walk up the stairs that lead to the upstairs portion when you were suddenly stopped by someone grabbing your wrist. You turned, nearly leaping out of your skin to see it was only Ben and Beverly, staring at you with wide eyes. Ben frantically shook his head, terror written all over his face. Beverly spoke up.
"We heard a noise, we want to leave. Well, they do." You could tell she was trying to put on a brave front, but it wasn't a very good one. "And it's getting late, my daddy..." You stopped her there, immediately turning and hopping off the first step.
"Let's go." You said. You always hated Beverly's father. You didn't have to be around Beverly for long to see the genuine look of absolute fear that would plaster itself onto her face whenever the topic of her father was brought up. No, she never truly talked about him but the first few weeks of you getting to know The Losers Club, her father was brought up at least once or twice and she quickly shut it down. You didn't know what her father did to her, but you knew damn well that if you could you would sweep Beverly off her feet and as far away from that man as possible. So, you and your friends left the house from hell without another word being uttered, and as you were leaving you swore you heard a voice say,
"Come again!" With a sickening giggle.

Beverly Marsh (It 2017) ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now