Request; Adopted Baby Sister

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[ A/N ] : Okay, so I'm imaging reader as a teenage girl ( like 16-18 ) for this chapter but you can read it as a dude too I guess ??? Idk man
Also maybe an au where Pennywise fucks off and leaves her alone or just doesn't exist idk I just want my baby to be happy
Also this was a request !!! I don't remember who for, but I hope you enjoy it !


You had been living in Derry, Maine your whole life, blissfully unaware of all the hell that happened around you. The one thing you were aware of though was the group of kids that would cycle around the town, and just hang out. You knew the kids names because, frankly every adult talked about them, including your parents. Especially after apparently they got into a fight with the local bully, Henry Bowers. And because you all went to the same school, obviously. You also knew all the horrible rumors that circulated around one kid in particular; Beverly. You didn't really know what she looked like, but you knew for a fact that those rumors weren't true, and it frankly disgusted you that some of the adults in this shithole town believed them. But what hurt you worse is when the adults would talk about how their kids, or one of the teachers, would tell about her coming to school with bruises and even a black eye once. You didn't know what happened, or who caused them but you didn't like it. No little girl deserved that. So one day when you ran into the girl with a bruised cheek at the store, your heart plummeted. She was standing in the aisle with pads and tampons, and she looked nervous as all get out. Being at least a little knowledgeable about this subject, you strode up. She jumped in surprise when you stood next to her and spoke, "Pads are easier, but tampons let you go swimming." She quickly turned to you, knocking a few boxes off the shelf. You both picked them up, and you gave a small smile.
"Sorry for scaring you." You said.
"It's alright." She replied, clearly nervous. So you stuck your hand out for her to shake it.
"My name's [ F / N ] [ L / N ]! What's yours?"
She slowly raised her hand, taking yours and shaking it. You immediately noticed the bruised wrist, and you hid the frown that threatened to appear on your face.
"I'm Beverly Marsh, but everyone just calls me Bev."
"Pleasure to meetcha!"
"It was nice to meet you as well... How do you... Know which one to get?" She asked, gesturing to the boxes of blood stoppers.
"Older sister ( or experience )." You replied.
"Oh." She turned and picked up a box of tampons. She smiled at you and walked up to the counter. While she went to pay for her goods, you began searching for yours. Once you found all the things you needed, you went up to the counter and noticed she was standing there with a small wad of cash, and she looked upset. You quickly connected the dots and scurried up, taking some money out of your pocket and placing it on the counter. Beverly jumped once more, and spun to face you. You grinned in response.
"I'll cover the rest for you." Her eyes widened.
"You don't have too."
"Hey, least I can do." The cashier took the money and subtly ( not subtly at all ) checked Beverly out. You could feel the vomit rise in your throat, and a strong protective instinct kicked in. You could see Beverly shift uncomfortably under his gaze, and your protective urge only grew stronger. When he finally gave her the change back, she thanked you one last time and ran out of the store. You then paid for your items, scowling at the clerk. Noticing this, he barely made any talk. After you got your change and items, you left and returned home. When you walked in, you immediately went to find your mother. Finding her in the kitchen sitting at the table, you sat down across from her.
"Hey, Mom?" You asked. She looked up and smiled.
"Yes sweetie?"
"How would... You feel about adopting someone?" She looked stunned to say the least.
"Adopting someone? Adopting who? Why?" She asked.
"There's this girl at school. I think her parents hit her. I just... She's nice and she deserves better." Your mother frowned.
"That's awful but I... Can't just adopt her. Her parents have to give consent, and no parent in their right mind would willingly give their child up. Not even an abusive one." Your frown deepened. How could you somehow get her parents to agree to your family adopting her?

The answer came months later after you and Beverly became good friends. She came to you one day, crying and shaking. She looked terrified, but also... Almost happy? Upon seeing her tear stained face, you wrapped her in a hug and rubbed her back in an attempt to soothe her. She hiccuped and hugged back, clinging as if her life depended on it. After she calmed down, you began asking her what happened. She explained her father had tried to hurt her, so she ran and hid in the bathroom. When he came into the bathroom to find her, she waited and cracked his skull open by hitting him in the head with the toilet lid. She was surprised and waited for him to get up, trying to wake him. When she realized he was dead, she ran straight to you. You drunk all this in with a stoic face, but on the inside you were honestly panicking. This girl has been through so much, and it ended in her murdering her own father. You hugged her tight, muttering that it will be okay, that you and your family will gladly take her in until either some other person in her family came to get her, or until she decided what to do. Thankfully she decided to stay with you. It wasn't long until your mother was calling her daughter, and you caught you and her each calling each other [ brother / sister ]. It was an even shorter amount of time before your mother pulled you both aside and began talking about legally adopting the curly haired red head. You both immediately agreed, and were ecstatic. The day she was legally your sister, you picked her up and hugged her like you've never hugged someone before. You finally had a younger sister, and you knew you would do anything for her. Anything to make up for all those years that she was abused by her father, neglected, and treated like shit. You were family now, and as the saying goes, blood is thicker than water.



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