Imagine 7; When Everything Goes To Shit

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[ Hey look, a two for one deal ! Enjoy my loves ! ]
[ Also whats a timeline? I don't know it's late and my phone won't fucking charge so here you go fucked up timeline wOo or maybe this is an au where Georgie doesn't go missing until Bev joins The Losers Club I don't know ]

[ Hey look, a two for one deal ! Enjoy my loves ! ][ Also whats a timeline? I don't know it's late and my phone won't fucking charge so here you go fucked up timeline wOo or maybe this is an au where Georgie doesn't go missing until Bev joins The ...

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It had only been a day since you explored the Neibolt house before literally everything went to shit. Now, you were never very close to Bill. He was cool, sure, but you would never say you were best of friends with the boy. But you had never felt worse for him than when his younger brother, Georgie suddenly went missing. You noticed that whenever Bill was even around George, his stutter was almost nonexistent, and he seemed so much happier. He loved his brother, as did you and the rest of the Losers. Georgie was a sweet boy who loved boats. Like, he really loved boats. And raincoats. Weird but adorable child. Again, I digress. You and Beverly of course were probably the closest to Georgie, aside from Bill. You just found Georgie too damn good for this world, too pure. And Beverly just wanted something or someone to show love to, and Georgie was like a little puppy. So when you heard the news that the younger Denbrough sibling had just vanished one day, your heart broke. You couldn't imagine the pain Bill was going through, so you always tried your best to visit him and attempt to cheer him up. Most of those visits ended with one or both of you crying as you retold stories you adored about the tiny lad, or when Bill just couldn't talk over his stutters anymore. When his stutters got so bad that you had to leave, you'd give him a hug, tell him bye, and promise Georgie would be home soon and you'd all throw a great big party and make tons of paper boats. As the days stretched on and on, the club soon began losing hope that Georgie would reappear, all except Bill. Even Beverly was beginning to think Georgie was gone for good, which really meant something. Nobody would tell Bill this, of course. His baby brother is missing and he still thinks he's going to come home after all! It'd be a little fucked up to say, "Hey, Bill. It's been like, a week. I don't think Georgie's coming home. Probably some demented ass clown fucker got him or something. I'm sorry man."
It got even worse when more and more kids started going missing, Bill really began freaking out then. He didn't show it, no no. But you could tell. His stuttering worsened even more, he began to develop bags under his eyes from lack of sleep at night, and he was constantly trying to think of places where his younger brother and the other missing children could be found. You watched silently, hoping that he would just give up and accept reality before it got too much, but of course that never happened. And he slipped down the rabbit hole, bringing you all along for the ride.

Beverly Marsh (It 2017) ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now