Demon Hounds

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Species Name: Demon Hounds

Home: Hounds are from Hell

Leader(and Creator): Lucifer

Ranks: Grunt, Apprentice, Warborn, and Mystic

Species Status: Closed = You may NOT obtain or create one in any shape or form

Species Power: Demon Hounds are simply living tanks. Mostly muscle, they were built for war and nothing else. Some Mystics can learn types of magic, however most do not.

Creation: Demon Hounds were created by Lucifer after Hell began over-populating. Hand picking the souls that would be suitable for Hounds, Lucifer twisted and smelted the souls into vicious war beasts he later named Demon Hounds.

Age: A Demon Hound's age is gauged by how long the soul has been in Hell. This is referred to as 'Soul Years', which can be anywhere between single digits and hundreds of digits. The alternate age is referred to as 'Vessel Years', which is the approximate age of the humanoid form the souls take in order to walk above Hell on Earth and other realms- these human vessels do not have to begin as babies; in fact, most of them begin as teenagers.

Purpose: Demon Hounds were built to wage war upon stable realms such as Earth and IIM. They were also created to defend Hell against angels, sometimes even serving as Lucifer's demon's companions.

Personalities: These beasts are the living definition of sociopaths. They prefer to fight for fun and prize their battle scars. Very angry beasts, they easily and freely take out their anger and hatred upon each other- very rarely, if at all, will you see a Demon Hound free of scars. They very rarely if at all have any feelings or emotions. When Demon Hounds do mate, it's merely to repopulate the species. On these rare occasions of affection, the Demon Hound becomes extremely attached and sentimental. Surprisingly, affectionate Demon Hounds are not sadistic, but much more child-like and enjoyable.

Traits: Demon Hounds are easily considered a species of canine, however such is not the case. The beasts have an appearance of canines in face and body structure, but their joints and bones can warp and twist into more flexible positions. They are more closely related to dragons in joint structure, feet, and muscle. They cannot fly or breathe fire, but Mystics can learn magics if they wish. Hounds have talon-like feet that more or less serve as front hands (with thumbs) and back dragon talons. Their claws are wicked long and deadly sharp. 99% of Demon Hounds are heavily scarred. A Demon Hound's most identifiable trait is their size- easily the size of Draft stallions, if not bigger.

 A Demon Hound's most identifiable trait is their size- easily the size of Draft stallions, if not bigger

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