The Defenders

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1.0- God of All: Xin
God of All Defenders, civilizations, planets, and realms
Obsidian and Gold Serpent
Overthrown 80 million years into reign due to being overly ambitious. Xin was banished to the Shadow Realm and remains there to this day.

1.5- God of All: Khalasae
God of All Defenders, civilizations, planets, and realms
Purple and pink galaxy dragon- Elemental horns, magic, & upside of wings
Can shapeshift into any form, but the dragon or galaxy snake are most common

2-Time; Nebula
Time must exist or else there is nothing
Oldest Defender
Golden Serpent

3-Earth; Shae
Second oldest Defender
Created after the Cataclysm (what wiped out Dinosaurs)
Largest of all Defenders
Green Dragon

4-Darkness; Xinnera
Third oldest Defender
Created from heat from Earth's core & ice from the farthest galaxy
First to have the gift of Travel (able to fly between planets, galaxies, and solar systems)
Black Dragon

5-Light; Nalaa
Newest Defender
Created by Magic and Balance- despite despite denied permission from Kalasae
Created to help Balance be able to support Darkness
Mirror/Chrome Dragon

6-Balance; Polaris
Fourth oldest Defender
Created from pure logic
Copper Wyvern

7-Magic; Cannebraum
Fifth oldest & final Defender
Created upon the very first Angel Fall (the day Differents were born into the world)
Second & final to be gifted with Travel
Maroon Dragon

8.0- Renewal; Carter Grîpp
Sixth 'Defender' (rouge; denies the spot as a Defender and actively spites his co-Gods.)
Created accidentally from the soul of a dying planet
Deep brown and red SeanceWing (species by PurplexGrenade; fantribe of Wings of Fire)

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