Arumcher (Goldbutts)

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Species Name: Aurumcher (Goldbutts)

Home: Anywhere

Leader/Creator: Vitamater (Life Mother)

Ranks: None

Species Status: Open = You may make your own AS LONG AS you follow this guide

Species Power: Aurumcher are excellent healers. They can heal any wound, illness, natural injury (if a tree is struck by lightning, a bush uprooted, or wildlife caught in traps).

Creation: The Vitamater was born from a drop of angelic blood during the First War (fought between Angels and Demons over domain of the cosmos). Their corresponding parts, Shalia's Monsters, were born from the first drop of demonic blood. From the Vitamater, the Life Mother's children were born and raised like weeds- simply popping up and living in mass 'herds' very near their mother. Man-made Aurumcher is possible, however not likely.

Age: Aurumcher usually do not live very long. Because of their physical traits, some live longer than others, but the oldest known aurumcher- besides the Vitamater- lived nearly 40 years. Vitamater is millions of years old- thought to be immortal.

Purpose: Aurumcher really.. are pretty useless. They have healing abilities and are mentally unable to do harm, other than defend themselves, but because they're so short lived and so skittish of humanity, they're very hard to find. They will heal and help out other wildlife, however. Man-made Aurumcher do sometimes have healing abilities, but these unlucky creatures are usually drained and, later, killed within the first few years of their life- sometimes even months.

Personalities: Much like short people, Aurumcher are very moody. Most of the time, they are happy-go-lucky. However, goldbutts caught off guard can get very... pufferfish-y. They act big and bad, and really can't even maul each other.

Traits: Aurumcher get their 'goldbutt' nickname from, well, their very gold butts. These animals can appear in any animal form (cat, dog, bear, horse, bird, rhino, etc.) EXCEPT deer- of any kind; stag, elk, reindeer, doe, buck, etc. The Vitamater is a stag and has personally reserved any form similar to such for herself as a show of authority. Their 'goldbutts' are literally made of/coated in real gold, as well as their blood matching that color. The most common is pure gold (yellow), but rose and red gold aren't impossible. (Rose and Red gold are due to varying amounts of copper fused with pure gold.) Man-made Aurumcher do NOT sport these types of gold- however instead, they vary between white gold, silver-gold, iron-gold, aluminum-gold, and cadmium-gold. These gold mixtures can appear white, blue, green, and purple! The rest of Aurumcher's body is pure white- hair, fur, skin, and scales. However, depending upon species, the goldbutts can have patterns in shades of light grey and variations of white (eggshell, pure, blue-white, etc). Man-made Aurumcher usually have some discoloration resulting in many-to-any colors and markings patched (like a Paint or a Calico). Their eyes can be any color.

 Their eyes can be any color

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