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Species Name: Victussi

Home: Ille Immensae Montibus; inside the Salt Crystal Caverns of each mountain

Leader/Creator: Evolution

Ranks: Females, Males, Protectors, & a Howler

Species Status: Semi-open/Closed

Species Power: Spectral Sight allows them to see into the past, have visions of possible futures, and communicate with ethereal powers.

Creation: Victussi were evolved from ancient species that roamed IIM before the War of Archah.

Age: Victussi can live up to 300 years of age. Babies mature by 50 years. Elders are considered at around 200. Eggs are laid 12 months after pregnancy in huge batches of 200-300, starting off very, very tiny. Only about 50-100 survive to hatch into Victussi another 12 months later. As time goes by, more of these babies die off averaging 5-10 survivors by maturity.

Purpose: Victussi Protectors have the most weight. Charged with guarding the Salt Crystal at the center of each mountain in IIM, the Protectors serve as a military force. There are roughly 100 Protectors per Crystal, living in the caverns that surround them. Females' purpose is mostly to breed and males simply... live. The Victussi Howler is the overall leader- only one at a time.

Personalities: Normal males and females wander anywhere they please in IIM and function like dogs. Joining in 'packs' is just an option. Protectors are hard battle-driven, intelligent, and tightly-bound. They can only be bred with other Protectors and usually only Protectors of their same Crystal as eventually the effects wear off. There are some wild Protectors, but those have been outcasted.

Traits: Victussi are about knee height on a human; 4-5 feet long to tail base. Their pupils are patterned based on their rank: Females= Spotted, Males= Striped, Protectors= Spiral, Howler= Star. Every Victussi has two (2) sets of arms- the second set is much smaller & weaker. The front talons have three toes & one thumb each. Back talons have two toes and one thumb each. This can also be translated into something similar to a bird's feet. As Victussi also reside in mountains, their back legs are powerful for jumping, long talons for grabbing ledges, and sharp hearing- very large ears; two sets. Their tail is attached directly to their spine and very fragile. The Victussi head has no skin or fur- the skull is exposed & the skin/fur begins to grow from the point of attachment to the neck.

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