Feathered Kabayo

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Species Name: Feathered Kabayo (Feathered Horse)

Home: Ille Immensae Montibus

Leader/Creator: Seether

Ranks: Male, Female, Juvenile

Species Status: Closed= You MAY NOT obtain or create one under any circumstances or in any way, shape, or form

Species Power: Telepathy; seeming to be the polar opposite of Altraz

Creation: The first Kabayo, Seether, was created when one of the World Relics was destroyed. Demolishing the Branch of Shae roused a slumbering soul from the cosmos. Angered, Shae, Defender of Earth, created the soul a vessel- a mutated and evolved horse-bird hybrid- and such the Kabayos were born.

Age: Feathered Kabayos tend to be immortal unless slaughtered. Seether is thousands of years old. It typically takes baby Kabayos hundreds of years to become adults. Their lengthy lifetimes do not create population issues as Feathered Kabayos have many, many enemies.

Purpose: The Kabayos were originally created to defend the remaining World Relics, however over time, they became more and more aware of their venerability. The beasts did not abandon their intended jobs, but simply shrank away into more secluded areas of the world- watching from afar.

Personalities: Feathered Kabayos are usually very defensive and aggressive. They will not go about hunting things or terrorizing groups of humans or animals- however they're very territorial. Very defensive of their young, the females tend to be even more vicious if threatened.

Traits: Feathered Kabayos are most commonly identified by their fully feathered bodies. Built more like horses, Kabayos have beaked mouths- instead of muzzles. The shape and size of their beaks depend on sex and age- female adults have shorter, thicker beaks; male adults have longer, more curved, sharper beaks; and juveniles usually have stubby, dull, flat beaks until their sexes grow in later on in life (usually a baby is born of neither gender, and grows into the genitalia and mindset within a few years). Every Kabayo has six legs- two front sets, and one hind set. Their feet are hooves- NOT cloven! Instead of manes and tails, Kabayo Males have manes of feathers and a thick feather crest that grows as they age. Kabayo Females have no manes, but a hard crest that points backwards- made of bone- that is used as a mating trumpet and for intimidation. Babies have neither mane or bone-crest until gender grows in. Kabayo Males have long, thick layers of feathers that make up their tails- these grow in length as they age and somewhat resemble peacock-style tails. Kabayo females have long, thick short haired tails; hair grows out the top, mohawking in younger years and draping over the sides and trailing as they age. Both sexes have patches of scales- usually up to seven patches on adults. It is very rare to find a Kabayo of any age without scales and such are usually treated as outcasts and disfigured animals. Kabayos also have the vocals of both birds and horses- giving them the ability to snort, neigh, scream, twitter, whistle, and chirp.

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