Chaper 10

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I yawn as I slowly start to wake up. 'This bed is sooo comfortable I need one' I think to my self as I slowly open my eyes. As I open my eyes I notice I'm cuddled up to something hard, I slowly move my head up wards to see what it is. 'Of course is Jesse who else would it be' I roll my eyes and notice how we are laying, our legs are tangled together and I'm pressed up against his chest with his arms wrapped around me. I really should move but I can't bring myself to do it 'laying with him is just soo comfortable' I mentally groan and put my hand against his chest pushing him away from me. He groans and I can see his eyes open.

"Can you let go of me?" I ask rudely looking at him as he yawns

"Mm I don't know I'm pretty comfortable." He says smiling. 'Holy fuck.... his morning voice is HOTTTT, like I just got a little wet, okay that was a little far but you get what I mean' I roll my eyes and sit up as he lets me go. I pick up my phone not paying any attention to him but I can feel him starring at me. I groan and roll my eyes looking back at him.

"What?" I snap. 'Damn Stori don't have to be that mean. Ohh shut up you're just a little voice in my head'

"Well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." He said laughing a bit and I scoff as he keeps looking at me "Why'd you cut your hair?" He asks after a little while then he sits up facing me. 'Oh god Stori you probably look like a homeless person right now' I mentally face palm myself. I reach up and run my fingers through my hair.

"Oh um I don't know. I thought it was getting too long and I wanted to change it up a little bit." I say thinking back to yesterday then I remember the girl he was with. "Soo how was your day that the mall?" I ask rudely getting up off the bed and moving away from him. I look over at him and looks a bit taken back from the question.

"Oh it was good." He smirks looking at me. "She got some new stuff to try on for me." My jaw hits the floor when he says that.

"Are you fucking serious?" I ask shocked and angrily. "What is wrong with you? You were literally just sleeping in the same bed as me hanging onto me like if you let go I would have left you or some shit. Then yesterday you were with whoever that was and the day before you were making out with me!" I say making sure to keep my voice quiet so Cat and Jordan don't hear "Eww oh my god you probably slept with her, didn't you? I have skank germs all over me now." I say running my fingers through my hair as Jesse just sits in the bed staring at me. "Well are you going to say something?!"  He sighs and moves the blankets off of him as he stands up beside the bed.

" No I'm not serious I shouldn't have said that I'm sorry." He says and I stand there shocked. 'Wait What did he just say?' "We just hung out and that was it. I didn't sleep with her or anything because all I could think about the whole time was the day before and what I said. Look, Stori, I'm sorry I didn't mean what I said I just.... I didn't know what else to say bec...." I cut him off.

"You could have said soooo many other things wanna hear some because I'm thinking of some right now." I say angrily "Like this is me liking you orrr this is me trying to..."

"Stori!" He says cutting me off "Let me finish damnit." He sighs and runs his hands through his hair making it even more messy. "I can't do this. Like I physically don't know how, not after..." he trails off and I bite my lip.

"Jessabell?" I ask quietly wrapping my arms around my waist as I look at him. His eyes snap over to me.

"How do you know who she is?" He asks with a hint of sadness and anger as I sigh.

"The first night we hung out/met when I got home Cat FaceTimed me and we were talking when she brought her up." I say looking at him

"So what all do you know?" He asks not showing any emotion.

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