Chapter 15

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(The Next Day)

I heard a knock coming from the front door. A guy around the age of 16 stood there. He smile with his dirty blonde hair blowing in the summer breeze. I asked "Who are you?" He said "Hi, my name is Tony Martin and I'm your little brother." I asked him politely to come in.We sat in the living room and talked for hours about our lives, then I gave him the tragic news about our parents.

He then told me that his adoptive parents kicked him out so he had come looking for me. I felt flattered. He was sweet and kind. Ryder woke up look groggy, he said "Hi." Then he walked into the kitchen, I told Tony that I would be right back. I went into the kitchen to talk to Ryder. He said "hey babe." I smiled and kissed him. I told him everything and he said "Okay, he can stay with us." I got so happy that I kissed him. Then I went in the living room to tell Tony the good news.

Tony turned around and saw my facial expression so he got excited. I brought Tony to the guest room so he knew where he would be staying. He thanked us and then he took a nap. I feel really happy helping him out.

(3 hours later)

Tony woke up from his nap, I then told him that Ryder was my fiance. He was happy for me. I'm finally happy to have a brother. I told him all the details we have for the wedding so fair. With everything that has happened to me recently, we postpone the wedding. But our new wedding date is coming up fast. Just two more weeks.

Tony wanted to help me finish all the wedding planning and honestly I think that's a wonderful idea. It's very stressful, I already know something is bound to happen. It's all part of wedding planning.

So Tony and I decided to start planning more tomorrow and I hope my wedding is really magical.

(Night Time)

It was finally time for us to go to bed. I laid down next to Ryder and tried to go to bed. But for some reason I couldn't fall asleep. I just went on my phone and scrolled through instagram. Ryder turned to me and said "Babe, come on it's time for bed." I rolled my eyes and said "I'm not tired." He turned back and then he fell asleep.

Next thing I know, it was 1am. I was tired so I plugged in my phone and fell asleep.

(The next morning)

Something woke me up but I wasn't sure what it was. It was like a spirit had woken me up or something. I got up and definitely needed coffee. I walked into the kitchen and poured myself coffee. Tony walked in and said "Good morning Skye." I nodded my head and said "good morning, so we'll leave after I get ready." Tony nodded his head along and then went into the other room.

Ryder came in the kitchen not long after that and said his good mornings and kissed my lips. He said "So babe, I'm gotta get to work early today so I love you and I will be working late today." I nodded my head and said "Have a wonderful day at work babe." I kissed his cheek and went in my room so I can get ready.

(15 minutes later)

I left my room with my makeup done and my hair done. I was wearing ripped jeans and a black crop top. I grabbed my keys and told Tony it was time to go. We both got into the car, I started the car and backed out of the driveway. We talked and got to know each other more. I'm so glad I got to meet him and know him. He is a really good guy, he's funny.

We stopped at a few stores and ordered some stuff for the wedding. We headed back home after getting mcdonalds.

We walked through the front door and sat in the living room. I actually loved spending time with him, he always made it fun.

I'm honestly really excited for my wedding, things could be better in my life but at least I'm marrying a really good guy.

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