Chapter 16

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(A couple weeks later)

Today was the day, today was the day that I marry Ryder. It was really early in the morning and I need a cup of coffee. I went in the kitchen poured myself a glass and picked out the makeup I was gonna put on. I put down the cup and went in the bathroom. I took off my clothes and jumped into the shower so I wouldn't stink for the wedding.

I got out of the shower and wrapped myself in a towel. Sat down and did my makeup. I then did my hair and put on my dress. My dress was a rose pink color and it fell down below my knees. My vail was covered in a rose pattern that was also rose colored. I was ready for this. I was all dressed and ready. I grabbed my keys and got into the limo.

A limo came to pick my up, it would be difficult if I tried to drive wearing a wedding dress. I kept looking out the window, just waiting to see a church in front of me. We finally came to a stop. I thanked the driver and got out. I walked into the church with wedding bells ringing.

I walked down the aisle and I saw Ryder, he looked really good and nothing could ever change that. I reached the end of the aisle and we said our vows. Ryder and I walked down the aisle. Things were perfect and I don't think anything could change that. The point was to make life how you wanted it and that everything happens for a reason. That's what I got, that's what I have learned from life.

(One week late)

I had began to feel weaker than usual. I decided to go to the doctors for a check up. After the examination, the doctor walked out and walked in a couple minutes later. The doctor sighed "Skye I'm really sorry to tell you this but you have a very rare cancer. You will die in a couple of weeks." Everything I've thought about life, i started to doubt myself. But maybe I wasn't wrong in a way.

(After the doctors)

I just didn't know how to tell Ryder. I love him to death. I went home and layed in bed. Ryder walked in and said "Hey babe, how was the doctors" I smiled and said "It went okay but I just need a nap." He nodded and left me alone for a little while. I decided to tell him after my nap.

(4 hours later)

I woke up from my nap, hearing voices coming from the other room. I got up and went in the other room. Tony and Ryder were talking, that's good they were bonding. They turned to me and smiled. I smiled back and said "Guys we need to talk."We all sat down on the couch. I sighed and said "I have...cancer." There faces froze, this news really hit them hard. I continued, "I'm gonna die in a few weeks." Theres were sliding down my cheeks as I broke the news to them.

They both had tears sliding down there cheeks. They both hugged me tightly, Ryder said "This can't be happening not to my sweet and adorable Skye. Skye I love you more than I am able to express. I'm gonna be here for you so you don't have to worry." I smiled as he kept talking. I stopped him and said "I love you to death Ryder. I am so sorry. I didn't want to die this way. I did want to grow old with you and have kids with you. I guess we can never get what we want."

Ryder nodded and there was silence. No one talked for a while.

(One week later)

I could barely stand anymore. I laid in bed everyday and all day. I kept coughing, breathing was starting to get harder. But I kept trying to fight it. I want to stay on Earth longer to be with the love of my life. I want to having two kids and help them learn about life. I wanted to be a photographer, and I wanted to grow old with Ryder. But maybe this is better because I get to learn the lesson of life. Maybe if you work hard enough, you will get what you want. It just won't come easy to you.

(One week later)

I was weaker than ever and breathing got harder and harder now. I kept losing my breath. I was dying, I can feel it. Ryder stayed with me all the time. He walked in, I said "I love you." I slowly began to fall in to a daze. As I'm in my daze, I see a bright white light. I'm very close to death. I knew how much Ryder loved me and I loved him back.

Ryder was screaming "NOOOO!!!!" Skye Thompson had died and he didn't get a chance to have a full life with the love of his life. Ryder Daniel and Skye Thompson loved each other.

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