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I was beginning to get really excited, in about 6 hours we're going to be on stage, in front of a massive crowd.

It was a dream come true.

Our first show was back in my home town of San Diego, so of course that made me even more excited. It would be nice to be back home, and I had something to do when we got there.

I was sitting writing lyrics in my notebook, it was a good way to pass time. Tony and Jaime were sitting playing video games and Mike was in his trying to catch a nap before we arrived in San Diego.  

After driving for what seemed like a lifetime, our driver told us that we had arrived. I could hear excited squeals from the other guys coming from different parts of the bus, and that made me smile a little. 

I couldn't think of three better people I would want to share this experience with. I stepped off the bus first, we still had a couple hours before we had to be at the venue, so I decided that I would use that time wisely and go see an old friend.

"I'm heading out for a bit guys. I'll meet yous at the venue."I said as I picked up my wallet.

"Where you off too?"Mike asked, a bit of worry in his voice.

"Just gonna' go see an old friend, Mikey."I said as I left the bus again. 


Vic worried me, he hated growing up here and I knew that he had no 'old friends' here any more. I made a quick decision to follow Vic and see where he was going, you know just to make sure he was okay and not getting into any trouble.

I got up to leave but was stopped by Jaime.

"And where do you think you are off to?"He asked.

"I'm going to go make sure Vic's okay. Look I'm a little worried about him." I said, truthfully.

"Okay, then we're coming with you."Tony said from behind me.

I knew I wouldn't be able to not let them come with me, so I gave in and nodded.

The three of us where out of there and following Vic within minutes. 


I stopped at a local shop to pick up a few things that I would need for this visit. I bought some juice, a pen, a dozen white and red roses and a card. I payed for my things and left the shop.

It wasn't long before I found myself walking down my old street that I grew up in. So many great, happy memories came flooding back, but then so did the bad ones. I shook the thoughts out my head and continued on my journey just thinking about how everything has changed so much in the past three years.

I must have been walked for about twenty minutes when I reached the place I wanted to be. I stood at the big iron gates, looking in at the grass and all the flowers that where there. I sucked in a breath and continued walking, straight through the gates. I knew exactly where I needed to go and I knew exactly how to get there. I spent most of time here when I stayed in San Diego.

I finally found the spot I was looking for, and I sat down next to the girl I hadn't seen in years. 


I suddenly knew where Vic was going when we walked down the old street we grew up in.

I don't know why he didn't tell me, but I now didn't want to follow Vic any more.

This was private and I shouldn't be intruding.

Of course, curiosity got the better of me and I needed to see what he was going to do.

We caught up to him pretty quickly. I couldn't see his face full on, but I knew he was smiling. It made me happy to think he was finally doing this after all these years.

It was exactly what he needed. 


I laid the flowers down next to her, and put the signed card on top of the headstone she was buried under.

"I miss you, Lex. Not a single day goes by that I don't think about you. You still mean a lot to me and I'm just really sorry we didn't get to spend more time with each other. I really wish you had told me you were sick" I sighed. "A lot has happened over the years, I have some really amazing friends, of course none of them will ever be you. I also met this really amazing guy, his name is Kellin. I just know you would have loved him. I'm in a band too, we're doing really well, we've actually got a show here in San Diego.

Look, Lex. I know I should have visited more when I moved away, I just haven't had the time. Well no, that's a lie I've just been terrified to come visit you. I'm so sorry. It's time for me go now, but I promise I will be back to visit soon okay? I love you Lexi." 

I stood up and wiped the forming tears away from my eyes, I kissed her headstone and started walking away until something caught my eye.

"Did you follow me here?" I asked, directly to Mike.

"uh.. yeah Vic. I did.."

"Why?" I was getting a little pissed now.

"Because I care about you and I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"I'm fine. Let's go, we've got a show to get ready for." I said, changing my tone. 

We all walked back to the bus to get our things ready for tonight's big show. It was the first show of the tour, so we had to smash this one.

Once everyone was ready we headed to the venue, there was already lots of people outside, even though we don't go on stage for another three hours.

Our fans are so dedicated and it makes us all really proud to have them as a fan base. 

Time past really fast and in about half an hour we would be on stage, I could see that the rest of the guys were just as excited as I was. This is what we lived for. It was only a few minutes now before we had to be out there, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous, but I was so overcome with excitement and I couldn't wait to get out there.   

It was time, and we all ran out onto the stage.

"HEY WHAT'S UP SAN DIEGO?" I shouted to the crowd, all we could make out were screams and whistles.

"We're gonna' kick this off with 'A Match into Water.' But firstly, I'd just like to say that this show is dedicated to my best friend Lexi. Who sadly isn't with us any more but I know for sure she's looking down at all you crazy fuckers! LET'S HAVE A KICK ASS SHOW."   


The first show of the tour was a success.

We completely rocked the place, and I was really proud of Vic for dedicating the show to Lexi, even though I never met her. It was time for us to leave the venue and head back to the bus, I couldn't wait for sleep, really. It felt like I had been awake for three days straight. I practically stumbled onto the bus because of how tired I was, I jumped in for a quick shower and headed to my bunk, I didn't see the point in putting on clothes so I lay in my bed with just my boxers on. I couldn't stop thinking about the show tonight and as much as I didn't want to admit it Vic. He looked amazing tonight, and I guess I've always had feelings for him. But he's engaged  to one of my other good friends and I had to let these feelings go. No-one but Vic knew I was gay, I wasn't very open about it. The only reason Vic knows is because I got really wasted one night and poured all my secrets out to him, except the one where I liked him, I don't think I would ever tell him, or anyone else for that matter. I gave up thinking about all of that and fell asleep pretty quickly. Hopefully not dreaming about Victor. 

Glass Hearts. (KELLIC) Sequel to I Can Save You. Where stories live. Discover now