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Vic's POV**

I couldn't stop thinking about Kellin, I knew it was wrong because I was with Tony but I just couldn't help it.

After our set we headed back to the bus. I really wanted to fix things with Tony, I was a little mean to him before and it wasn't fair.

I sat down next to Tony when we were in our room

"Hey tone, look I'm so-" he cut me off

"Look, Vic we just aren't working anymore, I've been feeling it for a couple of weeks. I do love you, but I just want you to be happy and if that means being with Kellin and not me then so be it." Tony had tears in his eyes, I knew this was hurting him.

I sighed and pulled him into a hug

"thank you Tony." I said and left the room.

Now I was officially single again, I would do whatever it took to get Kellin back.

Mike had organised a party in our bus tonight. He had told me Kellin and his band was coming round and that got me excited, I know Kellin probably won't want to speak to me but I will make him see just how much I still care about him.

It was a little after six when my phone buzzed in my pocket, I checked the caller ID and my breathing sped up, I felt like I was going to hyperventilate. I quickly picked it up

"Hello?" I tried to speak as casually as possible.

Kellin sounded worried, upset a whole mix of emotions actually.

He told me that Matty had fucked him up pretty badly, I groaned in frustration.

Why couldn't he leave us alone, school was 4 years ago!

I asked Kellin if he was okay, I was genuinely concerned for him.

He said he was and then he said something I never thought I'd hear again.

"I just want to be in your arms because they always made me feel safe." Kellin was never good at working out if he had said something out loud so I guess he thought he just thought it.

I was sobbing now, I needed him just a much as he needed me.

He hung up and I sat in the one spot for a little while, I was torn between what I should do. Should I wait till he comes here or should I go and see him?

Mikey broke me out of my thoughts by saying Kellin wasn't coming anymore, he seemed a bit pissed but I brushed it off. I needed to go see him, I pulled on an old hoodie and headed out towards the Sleeping with Sirens bus. I passed his band mates they were probably going to our bus to party with Mike and the guys. I laughed a little, they probably won't be able stand in about an hour, with the amount of drink Mike will make them consume.

i continued walking to their bus, I stood outside for a couple of minutes trying to collect my thoughts.

I knocked on the door, a few minutes later Kellin opened up, he looked like shit to put it bluntly, he was all battered and bruised; he looked just like he did when he fell at my feet in the lunch hall a few years ago. He looked surprised to see me and I couldn't help myself. I reached forward and kissed him, to say there was fireworks was an understatement. His lips fit perfectly with mine, and his kisses were soft but forceful.

I pulled away and held his face in my hands.

"Kellin, I love you."

"and I love you, Vic."

We cuddled on the couch and wrote a song together, I would take this over getting drunk any day.

I was finally back in the arms of the only boy I've ever loved.

This feels perfect.

Glass Hearts. (KELLIC) Sequel to I Can Save You. Where stories live. Discover now