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Belle PoV

a year earlier...

I was heading to school when my phone started to vibrate, I took it out of my bag, I didn't recognize the number though at first, I hesitate if I should answer it but then it can be important I pressed the green button. 

-Hello? I said with a confused voice

-Hi, I am calling from the hospital am I talking to Belle Rizzo? a woman said with a stressed voice on the other side

-Yeah It's me, I said and started to worry, why would they call me? Had something happened to my father? 

-Can you come to the hospital I have some important information to tell you in person? she said

-Yeah I will be there as soon as I can, I said and started to worry more, I felt tears down my cheeks as I sobbed. 

I walked fast to the bus station, after waiting for 5 minutes the bus finally came, after getting inside I sat by the window and thinking about my father. I only got bad feelings even if I tried to stay positive. What would I do if I lose my father? I don't have anyone else except my best friend  Lia.

When I stood in front of the hospital I felt concerned I didn't know what was waiting for me. I walked with shaking legs into the building. I went to the reception where I saw an older woman that looked in her early 30's. 

-Hi!, How can I help you? she said with a smile

-Hi, I got a phone call from a doctor that needed to talk to me about my father, I said with a half smile trying not to break my tears that I am holding in.

-What is your father name? she said while looking into the computer waiting to type in the information I had to say.

-My father's name is Alfredo Rizzo, I said looking at her

She typed in the information and then calling what I guess was the doctor, turning to me later on.

- Doctor Mrs.Andersson will be waiting on you on the 5th floor in the room 301, you can take the elevator to your right,  she said giving me a smile and pointing at the elevator. I nodded and said, "thank you".

When I came in front of the door I knocked and waited for an answer to come in. I opened the door and became welcome by Doctor Mrs Andersson when I walked in she did a gesture for me to sit across her. And waited for her to start the talk, when she saw I was waiting for her she started talking.

-So, Belle, I called you to tell you an information about your father, she said I stayed quiet and nodded at her to go on.

-Your father is now on cancer stage 4 and..., she didn't finish when I cut her off.

-What do you mean? What will happen now, he will survive? Don't he? I said while staring to sobbed and felt my tears sliding down my cheek.

-Calm down Belle, she said while coming over to me and giving me a napkin for my tears.

- I cant calm down, if he dies I have no one, what will I do without him? He is my everything there is have to be a cure for this doesn't it, I said while looking at her with hope.

-I am sorry but there is nothing we can do, to do an operation is too late at this point. We only know that he only has few months, weeks or days left. I wanted to tell you to be prepared because anything can happen. she said

I just looked at the wall across of me and took in the word she told me "We only know that he only has few months, weeks or days left." , the words that changed everything my hope for my fathers' health to get better, that everything will be like it was. I couldn't believe I was going to lose my father. He is my everything, what will I do without him, I cant live without him. I cried and cried until I felt black take over my eyes, I felt like there was a hole in the ground that took me in.

An hour later...

I opened my eyes and looked around, where am I?. I was lying on a bed, then a doctor came in. Looking like he is a little bit older than me. He had blond curly short hair and brown eyes.

-You're awake, how do you feel? he said

-I am fine, what happened to me? I said trying to get up, but still feeling weak.

-You faint at Mrs Andersson's room, don't get up your body I still weak, he said as he writes something on his paper.

-How long have I been here?, I asked

-For about one hour, he said looking up at me

- One hour, I need to get to my father, I said starting to worry again

-You cant you have to stay a little bit more, I need to write in some paperwork and you need to eat first so you get your strength back otherwise will you faint again, then you are good to go, he said with a smile.

I laid down and just thought about my father. And what will happen next?

My first chapter and first story I hope you liked it!


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