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I stay at Spencer's for an hour or so before deciding to go home. I mean, there's not really much to do- it's not like we can talk.
I unlock my door and throw my keys absent mindedly onto the table next to me. Wow, my apartment is a mess. There are empty beer cans scattered across the floor, along with my purple hoodie and various other items of clothing. There are at least eight whiskey glasses on my counter. Hell, there's even a pair of shoes hanging on my bedroom door handle by their laces. I really should clean.
I start picking up shirts off the floor but after five minutes or so, I'm sat on my couch again, bored out of my mind.
Then I have an idea. I rummage through my bag and find my phone. I dial the number.
It rings once. It rings twice. It rings th-
"Hello?" Brendon's smooth voice answers.
"Hey, Bren, are you free?" I ask.
"Yeah, I just finished rehearsal, why?"
"Do you wanna come round to mine? I've got some cleaning to do and I thought you could repay me for helping clear the stage," I smirk.
"Yeah sure," he laughs, "I'll see you soon then."
He hangs up.
Cool. At least now I'll have some help.
I can't help but remember Brendon's arm around me, his soft kiss, and, how he looked into my eyes like I was the last thing on earth.
I used to look at Keltie like that.


Brendon arrives sooner than I expected. I keep forgetting he knows where I live. My doorbell rings and I open the door.
There he is- his brown eyes glittering, his smile brighter than the sun.
"Hey," he grins.
"Hey," I smile back. I step aside, gesturing for him to come inside my (for-now) grotty apartment.
"Yikes, looks like you called me just in time," Brendon jokes, surveying the mess.
"Yeah," I laugh. My eyes can't help but follow his perfect form as he explores my apartment.
"So where should we start?" He asks.
"Kitchen?" I suggest.
We make our way over to the kitchen and we start to clear up a bit. I can feel his eyes watch me as I bend to get a can off the floor. I turn to grin at him but his glance quickly shifts to the whiskey glasses on the table.
"So," I say, in an attempt to make conversation, "how was practice?"
"Not bad- we're working on a few new songs at the moment."
"Oh cool."
"And we've got another gig on Wednesday."
"This Wednesday?"
"Yeah, why?" He asks as I sigh with relief.
"Well, Spencer's going camping next weekend for his birthday, and we were wondering if you'd like to come too- get to know us a bit more...?"
"Really?" He asks, seemingly surprised.
"Yeah, if you want to," I shrug.
"I'd love to," he smiles his stunning smile.
We continue to clean, but soon, the silence becomes unbearable. I called him here to TALK to- so I decide to try and make conversation again.
"Hey, Brendon," I say.
"Yeah?" He asks, stopping his dusting to face me.
"Why... were you so surprised when I asked you if you wanted to come camping...?" I silently hope that I haven't crossed a line.
"Oh," his smile falters slightly, "it's just... I haven't  really had any proper friends since I came out- I have Frank and Gee, but I feel like I'm a third wheel the whole time, and I'm not even sure if the rest of my band accepts me, the whole subject is kind of taboo."
Oh. My eyes fall from his eyes to his lips.
"Hey, well, I'm here for you," I say.
And then suddenly he's kissing me, hard. It's like two meteors colliding- he wraps his arms around me, just briefly before pulling away.
"I- I'm sorry, I-" he stumbles. He's just as shocked as I am.
"I just- I'd better..." and then he's leaving. I hear the door slam behind him and I'm left standing alone in my kitchen, mouth wide open from shock.
Wh- what was that? And why did he leave so suddenly? Did he just misread my kindness for attraction? Or was I not only giving off vibes of kindness, but of attraction, too? I should call him. No. That would be way too awkward. I'll text him.
I scramble around and find my phone in the living room. It would be better if we just forgot the whole thing- for both of our sakes- he doesn't want to be seen kissing a straight guy, and I don't want to be seen kissing any guy! I am okay with the gay community but I am not a part of it, though, I can still feel the imprint of his lips against mine.
I snap out of it and start to compose a text:
hey, wheres the show on wed? and what time?
That sounds cool amd nonchalant, right?


{Whoosh. Oh boy fellas are you in for a treat! (Not really coz no one reads this and my writing is more or less shit anyway bit whatever i write it anyway coz fuck the rules)
It sure has been a while (cough cough 3 MONTHS) but whatever

From: inconsistent bitch, cara!

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