Chapter Three

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I felt so tired from yesterday I felt like I've been giving myself out a lot. Being such an tried person because of Suga. I don't understand why he keeps doing that. Just messing with me.

Now Jennie used me for me to be her best friend I can't believe I've been used. I wished I had a friend that I can trust in my own. Not like her of course. My life has been worse for me. How can she use me like that?

I guess she doesn't want me around I guess. I try my best not to look at her but it keeps happening again and again. Suga and her kept bothering me. I ignored them both. I just swear if she bothers me about being her friend again. I will explode.

"Alright class go ahead and get in your seats." Mrs. Wong said. We got in our seats I didn't see Jennie no where. I wonder where she could be. Probably skipping. Then someone came in the class and the person looked familiar. "I'm sorry to interrupt but Jennie is no longer in this school. She moved to a new country and went to a new school." He Said.

Wait she did. Was it because of me? I hope it wasn't me that made her move. Or her parents probably got a new job. "Thank you for telling me." Mrs. Wong said. I looked around and saw Suga. He was fast asleep. No wonder.

Class started and the teacher woke Suga up. He looked at the teacher and stretched. Then looked at me. I turned around didn't want to make eye contact with him. He smirked. And threw a paper ball at me. I looked at it. And it has some words on it.

I read it and it sound mean. I was getting mad or sad. The teacher asked me what was the note for. I looked at her while the whole class stared at me. "Uhh. Nothing it's nothing." I Said. I got so scared to even say it. I didn't want to read it out loud.

Suga went up to me. And took the paper. He looked at it and then looked at me. "Wow rose! You really said something about Mrs. Wong!" Suga Said. Is he blackmailing me. Mrs. Wong looked at me with a death glare. "No I didn't you wrote that note about her. I don't write like that!" I Said. He just claiming that I did it but I didn't.

"Of course you did. See? Your name is right there." Suga Said. I got so mad and I almost pick a fight with him. "No that's your name! You put your name right there!" I Said. He grabbed me by my collar of my shirt. "Let me go Suga!" I yelled. He almost punched me.

But then Mrs. Wong called someone in here to stop the fight. Mr. Jong came in and saw it. "Hey! Break it up! Now!" He Said. Suga didn't listen He was this close of punching me in the face. "I saw break it up! Now!" He Said. Mr. Jong came towards us and broke it up. I almost fell.

"Now the both to my office now!" Mr. Jong Said. We went to his office I was so mad. I hope we don't have to put our arms up or clean the bathrooms.

"Now tell me what's the situation here?" Mr. Jong Said. I was to shy to say anything. But Suga hit my arm. "He started it. He throw a paper ball at me that had words on it. And then he try to claim that I did it." I Said. Suga gave me a death stare Mr. Jong looked at Suga.

I got so scared I looked away from Suga I didn't want to look at him. "Suga? Is this true? Cause your the one who cause trouble?" Mr. Jong Said. Suga looked down. And then looked at Mr. Jong and nodded. "No? I didn't do it." Suga lied. I knew he was lying.

"So none of you didn't do it?" Mr. Jong Said. I nodded so did Suga. Mr. Jong gave us a death stare. And gave us a punishment. "For your punishment. You will be cleaning the bathrooms after school." Mr. Jong Said.

I got so disgusted. I can't believe this. This is all Suga fault for making me do this. We left his office and waited until school was over. The last bell ranged. Me and Suga was waiting for Mr. Jong. He's taking forever.

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