Part One:

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You've been locked in your room for the part three months not eating and barely sleeping. Every since he went back to his ex, you haven't been the same. You thought he loved you. He said it. But you couldn't understand what made him go back to her.

Everyone has been trying to get you out of your room. But you won't budge from the same position you've been in since he went back to her.

Your heart breaks when you think about what happened between you and him. It was at your mom's house. He was outside with her and that's when you saw it. He kissed her. He forgave her. For everything she did.

And you stood there, frozen in place as she hugged him, an evil smirk on her lips as she stared into your tear filled eyes.

When he turned and saw you there, guilt and remorse washed over his face. All of his friends and family stood there with you watching the entire thing unravel in front of their eyes.

"Sweetie, are you okay?" His mom asks.

You couldn't respond. Your heart broke instantly. You felt like you had to throw up. And as he approached you, his hand in hers, you could literally feel the bile rising in your throat.

"Y/n..." He rasps softly.

"D-don't... S-say my name." You hiss, tears falling down your face.

"Y/n, I'm sorry." He says, his voice thick with emotion.

"Justin, what's going on?" Pattie asks looking at him with concerned eyes.

"Oh we're back together." The slut says, proudly, smirking at me.

"Wait... What?!" His friend Khalil says, shocked.

"Bro, are you serious?" Ryan says.

"Y-yeah. I-I am." He stammers, not really confident.

"Justin, are you sure this is what you want?" Pattie asks.

"Yeah. He's sure." The slut answers for him.

"Megan... I was talking to my son. Not you." Pattie snaps.

She holds up both hands. "My bad."

"Y/n... I-I'm sorry. I-i... I just didn't-"

"Want to ruin our friendship." You finish his sentence, shaking your head just a little. Tears flowed down your cheeks. You were so fucking angry. And just looking at his face made you want to kill him.

"Y/n please..." He whimpers walking towards you, but you move back.

"C'mon baby. She's worthless. She doesn't even deserve you" Megan says.

"Oh. And you do?" Ryan chuckles.

"What the fuck does that suppose to mean?" She snaps.

"Oh c'mon on Megan. You're the biggest slut in the school. You've slept with everybody, besides me and Ryan." Khalil retaliates.

"So? I'm with Justin now. And we can start over. All three of us." She says patting her stomach.

Your eyes widen. She's pregnant? He slept with her?

"Wait... You're pregnant?" Pattie says.

"Three weeks. And it's Justin's." She says proudly, staring at you with the most evilest smirk.

"Oh wow. Justin that's pretty low." Ryan says.

"Yeah Justin. You said you were through with her. Now this." Khalil shakes his head in disgust.

"Look, it's not like I was hurting anyone. I have needs to." He snaps.

"S-so... Since you couldn't get it from me, you went to her?" You stammer, crying a little.

"Y/n, I'm so sorry. Okay?" He says.

"Why do keep apologizing to this?" Megan says in disgust. She steps up to you, her hands on her hips.

"She doesn't deserve an apology. She's nothing compared to me. I got everything she can't have." She hisses in your face.

You were so done. And before you knew it, your fist connected with her face, sending her down.

"Y/n!" Justin yells, bending down to help her up.

Ryan and Khalil hold you back from trying to hitting her again. They pull you into the house, where your mom was there waiting.

"What the hell is going on?" She asks.

"That bitch hit me!" Megan yells angrily.

"Whoa! Who you calling a bitch young lady?!" Your mom asks.

"Your daughter hit me, and I'm pregnant ma'am." She says more calmly. You sit on the couch, your leg shaking as Justin stares at you his face mixed with angry and remorse.

"Look maybe we... Need to just calm down and talk." Pattie suggests.

"I'm not talking to him." You say weakly.

"Y/n please."

"Please what Justin?! Forgive you?! No! I won't. I can't believe you're doing this. I'm so done with your bullshit." You were angry. Beyond angry. Everyone stares at you in awe. They'd never seen you like this. And neither did Justin. You stand up walking towards him slowly.

"You love her? You wanna be with her? Then go. Let her break your heart. But don't come back. Because I'm done fixing it for you... Bro." You say pushing his chest. He had tears in his eyes, they fall just a little, flowing down his cheeks.

"Y-y/n... P-please... I-I just want to t-talk-"

"I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to see your face. I don't want to hear your voice. I just want you... To leave... Go... Stay away from me. Be with your slut and love child. Go... Just go." You cry, breaking down, something you didn't want to do. Not in front of him.

His face was red, his cheeks wet from his tears. He really did it this time. He broke her. He broke his best friend. The best friend who was there every time he needed her.

And now he'd broken her.

"Justin let's go." Megan says pulling him by the arm. He allowed her to pull him away from you. He stared at you the whole time as Khalil and Ryan followed him.

"Sorry y/n." They both say, dropping their heads, walking after him.

You don't respond. Why were they sorry? They didn't do anything wrong.

"Y/n?" Your mom calls. You walk towards your room, not saying anything to anyone.

You walked into your room, closing and locking the door. The pain in your chest was too much to bare. You needed something. Something to take it away. To replace it. You strip down to your panties and bra, searching for something sharp. When you find what your looking for, you began your first cut on your left wrist, then your right. After filling both wrist you start on your thighs.

Soon both your arms and wrists were covered with cuts. You were relieved. And felt a little bit better. After a few seconds of crying, you go into the bathroom connected to your room.

You run a hot bath and add some alcohol. You sit in the water, allowing it to clean your wounds. After an hour you step out, drying yourself off. You wrap your wrists and thighs and put on some baggy clothes. You cleaned up your mess and then laid in the bed.

That happened three months ago.

Justin's been calling non stop. But you haven't answered any of them. Ryan's been calling and Khalil. And they keep apologizing over and over. But it's clear to you.

No matter what is said or done, the fact still remains that Justin broke you. He broke your heart, he broke his promises.

He broke your friendship.

(A/n: hello!!!

Now this story will be a little a different.

It's in your POV.

Hope you enjoy.

Comment if I should continue.

Love you for reading 😘🌺)

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