Chapter 2 - Caught

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I held my breath as I heard stonecold footsteps making it's way into the room. The click of boots hitting the floor one after another. I was nervous. No, terrified. All I have to do is wait for him to fall asleep, then I'll probably have the chance to-

"What are you doing here?"

My eyes widened as I felt myself being dragged by my feet out from under the bed and exposed to my captor. The voice was male, but I couldn't make out his features as the room remained dark. I was thrown onto the bed harshly, wincing at the pain in my leg.

"Who are you?"

I couldn't even form words through the pain. I was biting my lip due to the pain in my leg and the fear of this stranger.

He let go of my leg and I exhaled. For a minute I thought he'd show me mercy. But it wasn't long until I felt cold hands wrap around my neck, choking me. Strangling me.

"Answer. Me."

I blinked. I closed my eyes. I felt the air leaving my lungs. I felt my throat tightening, lessening the passage of oxygen. And suddenly, I felt light. A strong light. And as I opened my eyes the man was thrown back against the wall by some unseen burst of energy. A force.

What did I just do?

I instantly started taking deep breaths, gaining back all the air I lost.


I heard him speak.

It was still dark, and I didn't realize he had recovered from his fall until I felt a sharp pain in my head and everything went black.


"Paige! Paige!"

"You have the force with you."

"Promise to do exactly as I say."

"You'll make me proud."



I awoke.

My eyes were blinded by bright lights. I turned my head and tried to look around until my eyes had adjusted to the lights. It took me quite a while though, I felt tears stinging due to the massive brightness, I tried to reach up to rub my eyes... but I couldn't.

What the hell?

I was bound to a steel chair. My arms cuffed behind my back and each of my legs tied to one leg of the chair. I winced as I noticed my wounded leg, but then I saw that the bandage on it was new. Someone had changed it, and by the looks of it, someone cleaned the wound as well. I couldn't move.

"I won't ask again."

A cold voice said. I looked straight forward and saw the man I had somehow threw against the wall, standing right in front of me, holding a bag of ice over his forehead. He had fiery ginger hair, a tall and superior stature, and hazel green eyes that glared at me coldly. He was scowling at me as he adjusted the bag of ice on his forehead. He was wearing all black. Typical First Order uniform, but he looked to be a high-ranking officer with his stature. A large overcoat draped over his shoulders.

"Who are you? And how did you get in here?"

I struggled, but it was pointless. I sighed and decided to just let things unfold. I didn't have much of a choice. I was lucky enough to still be alive at least. Might as well play this game of questions with him.

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