you'd be paranoid too

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i might just lose my shit off of the balcony
room 103
yeah that's my purgatory
until i end it all (shit)
whoops i got a little dark
yeah things get a little hard
-you'd be paranoid too (if everyone you knew was out to get you"

michael and calum sat on luke's couch while luke and ashton were napping. the two had stayed over at luke's house like ashton asked them to last night.

"this isn't good" calum said, breaking the silence

michael nodded "luke told me he hadn't ever been suicidal when i found out he was taking those diet pills until he started them. but he's off them and now he's suicidal? and ashton? fuck"

"how do we help them? we can't just let them be here together both doing bad"

michael pondered getting them both into inpatient care but he knew neither of them would want to do it and they're too old for it to be mandatory unless they attempt suicide. "should we tell managment that they're doing bad? i mean they know ashton wasn't doing well but we never told them about luke"

"what are they gonna do? we're not touring?"

"maybe have some ideas? we can talk to their parents too"

"they're gonna hate us"

"i know but it's better than them being dead"

calum nodded "i'll call anne marie you get liz? you're better at explaining the eating disorder stuff and then we can call management together?"

michael nodded and walked into luke's basement, letting calum stay in the living room but allowing himself some privacy for what wasn't going to be a fun conversation. he clicked on liz's contact and sighed before pressing call. she picked up almost immediately

"hi michael! how are you guys?"

"hi liz, i'm good. i actually wanted to talk to you about something going on with luke if you're not busy?"

liz was cooking dinner on the other side of the globe and was eager to know what michael had to say. she hadn't talked to luke in a few days but felt like she was caught up "of course, what's going on"

"um okay so i'm sure he hasn't told you but he's been struggling with eating for a few months now. he told me and calum a month or two ago and he was getting better. ashton has been helping him as much as he can and we honestly all thought he was going good but i guess this week has been really bad and calum and i don't know what to do so we figured calling you would be best. um luke relapsed pretty hard this week, he hasn't been eating at all and last night he was saying some pretty scary things to us"

liz set down the wooden spoon she was holding and pursed her lips together. "i knew ashton wasn't doing good, luke told me that but i didn't know anything about him. he told me he felt sad for a little which is how he and ashton started dating"

"yeah he didn't want to tell us either but ashton made him. he was going good, he really was. i just don't know what happened or what to do"

"thank you for telling me michael, i'll call him"

calum was in the living room, having a very similar conversation with anne marie "i'm sure he didn't tell you but ashton relapsed with self harm and it's been really bad. we've all been trying to help him i just don't know what to do"

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