Chapter Two

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Hey everyone!! Welcome back!!!! Caution: This may be a long chapter (depending on your definition of long) So I wont type much up here. Just wanted to welcome y'all back and wanted to thank y'all once again for stopping by. ENJOY!!

Two years ago...

"Bye, Em!" I said.

"Bye!" she said back.

I walked out the school then started my voyage home. I put in my headphones and started listening to the Mortal Kombat theme. Don't judge, I didn't have any data/service. While I was walking home, and jamming out to the MK theme song, I noticed a black van behind me.

At the time I didn't think of it much, but then it slowed down the closer it got to me. I turned off my music and started walking faster. The van caught up to me and that's when I started running. Someone jumped out of the back of the van and tackled me down.

He covered my mouth and dragged me in the van. I tried fighting back but the man held me down. He threw me in the back and I saw men with black suits sitting down around me. My vision started blurring out and I saw a cloth on the man's hand who held me. I heard someone say "We're ready." before I blacked out.


"Ugh... my hea-" I stopped after I saw I was strapped down in a metal chair. It looks like it belongs in a 'Saw' movie.

"W-where am I?" I asked, no one responded and I didn't know what to expect, nobody is even in the room. I looked around and I only saw a mirror on a stone wall in front of me and a door to the left. Those were the only two things in the room, other than the chair I'm strapped in.

Someone with a doctor's coat came in the room. "Hello." He said.

"Hi?" I responded, not sure if he can be trusted.

"I'm Dr. Roberts." he said with a slight smile, trying to comfort me. But not really working at all.

"Where am I?" I asked

"I'm sorry, but I can't tell you that. For now, just know that we are going to keep you for awhile." He said.

"For what?" I said.

"Experiments." He said then he snapped his fingers and a table of tools and syringes with glowing orange, red, and green liquids inside appeared from the ground.

My eyes grew wider as he put on gloves. He grabbed a pair of pliers, "Open wide." he said and I closed my mouth tighter. He sighed, "I really hoped you would be cooperative." he said as he forcefully opened my mouth. He held open my mouth with the pliers. He grabbed the syringe with the glowing red stuff and put it in the back of my throat. He injected the liquid and my vision blurred. He then removed the pliers and removed the now empty syringe. He then grabbed another syringe, the one with the green glowing liquid, and stuck it in my arm.

My arm started spazzing out. It stopped after a couple of seconds, but then, it started... shape-shifting into different things... It ranged from just buffing up to becoming multiple arms. It finally calmed down and my arm was back to normal. He did the same to the other arm with the same syringe and the same thing happened.

"Now for the hard part. This might sting." Dr. Roberts said as he grabbed a scalpel and aimed it at where my heart would be. My eyes widened when he plunged it into my chest. I struggled to get out of the chair as he slowly cut a hole in my chest. I looked down and saw that my heart and ribcage were exposed.

I started panicking until he calmed me down with a sedative. He got the syringe with the glowing orange liquid and maneuvered around my ribcage to get to my heart. He finally got to it and plunged the syringe in my heart. I only felt the pain for a couple of seconds and then I blacked out again.

When I woke up, I was unstrapped and on the cold stone floor. I noticed I was changed out of my clothes and now in a light sky blue suit. Like the ones people at the insane asylum would wear.

I got up and walked around. Slowly, memories came back and I remembered what the doctor did to me. I looked at my chest and saw that... there was nothing there. No stitches, scar, nothing. I looked at my arms and remembered what happened with those. I crossed my arms, scared if it was going to do it again.

I saw the mirror again in the corner of my eye and looked at it. But when I looked, the mirror wasn't there. I just saw people staring at me from the other side. I blinked and the mirror was back in its original place. "What th-" I stopped when Dr. Roberts walked into the room.

"Hello, Roberto. How are you feeling today?" He asked.

"Where am I? How long have I been here? Why am I here?" I asked.

He sighed, "I can answer one of those questions. You've been here for three months."

My eyes widened, "T-three m-months...? I need to get out of here... Please... LET ME OUT!!" I yelled and my head grew bigger, becoming top heavy and falling over. "What the hell is this??" I asked.

"Those are what we are here to work on, Roberto. Now breathe. Concentrate on a normal head." He said. I followed his directions and my head shrunk down to normal. "Now, we are going to spend the next couple of weeks testing and getting you to control these new abilities." He said.

Six months later

"Concentrate." Dr. Roberts said. I concentrated and threw a ball of fire at the target he made. I sighed and was glad it worked. "Good. We will practice more tomorrow." he said. I nodded and he left the room.

I ran to the corner where I put my new shirt, to hide a plan I've had. I can now enact the plan, and it's time to now. "Dr. Roberts! I'm hungry." I said to the window. He came in the room with a tray of sushi.

He came up to me and I grabbed and threw him against the wall. I ran through the door with my super-speed. I kept running and then heard the alarms. I didn't know how fast I could run, so I ran faster than the speed of sound. I found what looked like a main door and grew my hand larger. I smashed the door open and flinched at the sunlight. It's been close to four months that I haven't seen any sunlight. I closed my eyes and inhaled the fresh air. I let out a heavy sigh and smiled. My smile faded when I heard the alarms again and I teleported, which is another power I developed, back home.

I must've been in a different country or something because while it was day wherever the hell I was, it's night here in Raytown. "Home, sweet home." I said with a smile. I walked up to the big, brown, brick house and knocked on the door.

I heard someone sobbing in the house. The door was slowly being unlocked by someone and then it opened, revealing my grandmother. "Hey, Grandma." I said with an awkward smile.

"Roberto!!!" she screamed, hugging me tightly. My mom came and hugged me too. Then everyone else followed suit. My brother, dad, step mom, step sister, step brother, uncles, and other grandma. I started crying with them and enjoyed their company.

Another day, another chapter. I really hope you enjoyed this and please feel free to leave any comments, I really do love and appreciate the support! Anyways, thanks for stopping by and can't wait too see you again next time!

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