Chapter 6

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Didn't even notice that my last chapter was named 'Chapter 6'. Well, heres the actual chapter 6 so enjoy!

Jaime's POV

"Roberto?" I said as I tried shaking him awake, "Roberto!" I screamed. He just laid there, his eyes closed. I reached for his neck and felt a pulse.

I sighed out of relief, "He's still alive... thank god..." I said more to myself than anyone, but Michelle sighed out of relief as well. I picked him up over my shoulder and carried him to his house, with Michelle following me.

We got onto the porch and banged on the door.

"Yeah yeah I'm co-" Roberto's dad stopped when he saw me and Michelle with a blacked out Roberto. His dad helped carry Roberto into the house and up into his room.

We laid him down on his back, in his bed. I noticed something on his neck and I checked it out. I saw his veins around his neck, they were pitch black...

"Uh, hey guys... l-look at this." I said. They all leaned over and saw what I was looking at. Michelle gasped and started crying, Roberto's dad just gaped at it and reached towards his neck, trying not to touch the blackness.

He turned Roberto's head to face the wall on the right. We got a better look and saw that the whole left side of his neck was blackened by this... infection.

"Want me to call the cops?" I asked. Roberto's dad nodded his head slowly. As I fumbled to get my phone, I heard knocking at the door. Then banging, then the door being busted down.

Men in armored suits came running upstairs, ready to shoot at any moment. They yelled at us to get out of the room, and we did.

They slammed the door closed and as they did, I called my mom. "Mom, can you send some backup agents?" I whispered, "Why?" "There are some people of a different organization here trying to kill and or capture Roberto!" I whisper yelled trying not to get everyone's attention from downstairs.

"Ok, ok. I'll send some. I'll even come myself if that'll make you feel better." "It will, thank you so much." I replied. I hung up and slowly walked downstairs. My phone buzzed, making me jump, and I looked at the notification. I saw it was a text from my mommy saying, "You want me to bring your stuff to?" I texted back a 'Yes.' and put my phone back in my pocket.

About a minute or two later, some agents from my organization pulled up in front of Roberto's house. They walked through the door and Roberto's dad shot up from his spot on the couch, "Calm down. We're here to help." an agent said. My mom gave me my two pistols and a bullet proof vest. I walked upstairs with them, noticing everyone's looks.

"They are in there." I said and they all nodded. One agent came to the front and kicked the door open. Everyone started shooting at the opposing organization. I could hear Michelle and them scream from surprise from the gunshots.

I saw a soldier from the other organization kneeling next to Roberto with tools and other things next to him. I felt my anger grow and I let it out with a yell and shot at him.

But then he did the most miraculous thing. He grabbed it... from mid-air. He looked back at me and sped towards me with inhuman speeds, just like Roberto could...

He teleported us somewhere on the top of a building and had me dangling off the side.

"Hello. You must be Jaime. I'm Dr. Roberts, Roberto's old 'caretaker' if you will. Now, I know what you are thinking, and I guess I can give you an explanation. I volunteered to become, essentially, a clone of Roberto. So I can retain my mental and physical self, but on a cellular level, me and Roberto are very identical. You see," He started as he threw me onto the roof so he wasn't holding me anymore, "after Roberto ran away, we immediately started finding ways to find him, and to clone his DNA. I was the first to volunteer to search and be cloned by Roberto. But, I'm not the only one who now has these abilities. But, none of us have all the true potential that Roberto has. He can truly do anything, but we can only do bits and pieces of what he can do. But none of us have his immortality, sadly. But, the poison we injected him with earlier today, we've been working on it for the whole two years since he left. That should at least knock him out long enough for us to get him back to our custody." He explained.

I just sat there, with a look of disbelief. There are now other people... like Roberto...

Dr. Roberts walked up to me again and grabbed me by the throat. He threw me off of the building and I screamed as I fell too my death. But I was saved by my general.

"What the hell happened??" he yelled at me. "I-I don't know... but we need to get back to Roberto's house, my mom and some other-" "Agents are there, yes I know. And I know that those people are after your friend. That's why I came to get you, because when I got to your friends house, I just saw you disappear. Your mom called backup, as did the other people. So I came to get you, because now there is a full on fire fight at your friends house."

I silently cursed at myself as I realized I made a bad decision trying to shoot Dr. Roberts. I sighed and looked at him, "I'm ready to help in any way I can." I said. My general smirked and nodded.

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