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" i will not! i never promise anything"

" oh taehyung cmon! let's go to the gym later. i bet there's a beautiful girls there waiting for us. ne?"


"jungkook don't force him to go. you know that he wouldn't care to g..."

"so will you come with me then jimin?" jungkook place his arm around jimin shoulder while giving him an scary eye smile.

"i-i..i will be busy that time..you know..helping my mom buying some groceries or something"

"what the heck. cmere you..you dare to lie to the almighty jungkookie?"

"yah wae? it's true auch! yah yah."

"hey..aren't you going to your class? the bell already rang a few minutes ago." taehyung stop what he was doing and take a look at two of his bestfriend that busy struggling with each other.

"arhh..i hate to be in separate class with you two. now all the girls attention are on me, since my 'two best guards' are on different class, they'll be hovering over me. well it's hard to be handsome and perfect in all aspects"

" you think"

"damn that's self confident of yours. btw it's your fault. we've been asking you to join our study group. but what did you say? 'oh. i can just study later, oh it's just a test. it's easy for someone like me nye nye nye'"

"shut up shrimp"

"yah! im sensitive with that topic!"

"you have to keep yourself comfortable to that topic then jimin-ah, since it will be around you for..what they say? forever"

"tae!" jimin humps while pouting but taehyung and jungkook just laughing their ass out.

"kyaaa look at them. they're together again today! ahh such an eyecandy for my morning!"

"arghh that vminkook moment. i swear they are perfections!"

"an angel wearing our school uniforms! im so glad i study hard to enrol to this school. much worth it"

"taehyung still lookin cold as always, he so hot, damn!.  jimin still shy and cute as ever. and jungkook, ah..so freaking attractive since forever"

Jungkook give a wave to them.

" kyaaa kookie are waving at us! kyaa" fangirls are all over the corridor. looking at the 3 guys they are mentioning inside their class.

"don't tease them. my ear hurts with their high pitch"

"cmon tae, smile for the girls" jungkook still smile while waving, taehyung just continue to read his books while jimin, still pouting.

"okay girls go back to your own class. go go now. class will start in a few minutes. hishh teenagers now. " sigh..
"well hello class! and jungkook.."

"well hello there teacher wong" jungkook lean on the chair that he was sitting while raising his right hand to the young chinese male teacher infront of the class.

"don't you wanna go to your class TWO jungkook-ssi?"

" i will sir"

"good then"

jungkook walk for a few step before turning back to face that teacher.

" no need to point out that TWO sir. im sensitive" jungkook pout

" you will end up in class 1 if you studied more for exam last year jungkook." teacher wong give a pat on jungkook shoulder while he's making a tease face.

"tch this again"

"eung~ go back to your class TWO jungkookie OPPA. your class already start TWO minutes ago OPPA. that's means you already late TWO minute OPPA. go before i repeat TWO-WICE OPPA"

The whole class laughing from their teacher aegyo while he still pissing jungkook with his words of 'TWO and OPPA'.

"a-arasso arasso see ya later ssaem. you look very..cut..no no! very handsome today"

"i know"

"handsome, very handsome. i almost thought you look like that famous actor you know."

"oh really? well im very honoured t.."

" like that famous monkey wearing a shirt and specs"

"wait what? jeon jungkook!!"

"gotta go! bye!" jungkook sprint out from that class toward his class. Class 1 still loud from all the students laugh.

"that brat never learn his lesson" jimin said after he stop laughing his ass out.

"what you expect from him?"



Jungkook pov
"Well that's a wrap, time to go back to my own class." he was talking to himself while walking to his class.

Once he slide open the door. all of his classmate attention are on him.

"late as usual mister jeon jungkook"

"hehe well what to do miss ailee. fans are everywhere stopping me  to.."

"please go back to your seat jungkook. we will start the class " she turn around to face the blackboard, white chalk on the right and book on the other hand.

"hihi thank you miss ailee. you're the best"

tok tok tok.

"come in"

"umm.. sorry im late, i got lost when looking for this class. btw im the new transfer student. "

" ah yes..i know about you from the principal. please do come in"

" ah yes. pardon me" the new transfer student walk inside the class causing student of class 2 gasp by that student appearance.

"okay introduce yourself to us transfer student" miss ailee said while closing her book and focus to the new transfer student beside her.

"okay..um hi all..im transfer student from australia. don't worry i can speak korea cause im originally korean, just staying australia since im 6. now im 17 and back here bcause of my family. um...i hope we can be friends..oh please take care of me, that's all." bowing 90 degree.

"i guest you miss out the important thing" miss ailee raise her eye brow toward the new student.

"i am?? "

"ireumi boeyo? (what is your name)"

"oh yeah! my name!  hahaha how can i forget such important thing?. My name, its Kwon... "

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