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Taehyung POV

It's raining cats and dogs outside.

Me and Hanbin had found a place to sleep tonight. it also can protect us from the unwanted weather for this time.

It's sorts of like a cave. but the cave is not deep. just perfect for the both of us to take a shelter.

The fire that i make could not radiate heat to the both of us as we are soak from the rain outside justnow.

We just sat near the fire.


she is currently hugging her knees. i folded my leg near the fire.

We both sit in the opposite of each other. fire in between. not talking or looking at each other.

I try to talk to her to chase the awkwardness away.

"so..im sorry i get mad at you about my hankerchief last week. it's not even your fault. hyunbin already talk to me about it"

i scratch the back of my neck as i rarely apologise to anyone.

She nodded. facing the ground. hugging her kness tighter.

again we are coated in silent.

"im..." i look at her

"im sorry  i couldn't recognize you justnow. it's just, my vision was blurry and.."

"i know..so you don't need to explain" she nod.


"so is it true that you can't remember a single thing happen to you" again she nod.

"my family said that when i was a kid. i always get into accident. but the last accident got me really bad. "

"what happen?"

"I lost my memory. and after that, whenever i felt stressed or getting tangled into a big problem..i frequently forget about it. it's like my head is rejecting what i don't want to remember. but i do get some gist of the situation sometimes."

this time i nod. so she doesn't remember what happen to her that getting her into this kind of shit.

she almost lose her life.

"oh i see..um it might be awkward to say this. but could we start afresh? i do realise that we start with a bad start. and it would be nice if we could be friends?"

"yeah..you were too cold. i almost scared of you in the first time we met. we bump to each other at the corridor and..."

"on the first day we met, we bumped?

"ummm.  i mean. umm. oh! that was different person. sorry. the first time we met is when. ."

"you crossed dressing to be hyunbin"

"ahh! yeah! that was nice actually. you and jungkook show me around. was that time you already know my gender?"

"yes. but i feel comfortable l. so i just keep it shut"

"ahh...yeah. so...about your first love. do you.."

"expect to meet her again? yes i do. im waiting for that moment. but i want to try to move on. that's why i tried to be friend with you."

"um? what that means?"

"you should be proud that im asking you to be my friend. you are my first 'girl friend'."

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