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"So they think I'm a ghost?" Y/N lazily chuckled. "Well, I can assure you I'm not. I don't think so, anyway." She joked.

"Aha, yeah. I know you're not." Armin pushed his feet against the ground, making the swing he was sitting on slightly, well, swing. "So, uh... I've been wondering something for a long time."

"What is it?" The girl turned her head to look at him, tilting it. The expression she wore was as plain as ever.

"Well, uhm... you don't have to answer this if you don't want," he looked down and started fiddling with the hem of his shirt, "but... where are your parents?"

Y/N smirked and looked up at the sky, beginning to swing slowly. "Good question."


"I confuse you a lot. I'm sorry." She stopping gazing at the sky. "They're across town. Father's at work, and my mom is probably either in the kitchen, cooking dinner. If she's not there, then she is probably reading in the living room."

"And they know you're here?" He raised an eyebrow, only to be responded with a nod.

She stopped her swing and looked at the small blonde once again. "Where are your parents?" Though she could very much guess where they were.

His eyes focused downcast. He shouldn't mention parents and expect his parents not to come up.

"They... passed away. A few years ago." He spoke, voice laced with much hesitance.

"Oh." A simple word came out, no hesitance at all. It didn't seem awkward for her, as she must be pretty open minded, since there was no surprise or pity, either.

Now cue the awkwardness that only makes appearances alongside silence.

It was as if on cue, a 'ding' sound came from inside the bag that was laying on the ground near their feet. Y/N opened a pocket and pulled out her phone. It was like a text to save them from the current awkward state.

As her eyes skimmed through the text, Armin started watching her again. She, once again, was wearing something inappropriate for this weather. It wasn't raining anymore, but it was still cold and damp.

She had on a cardigan and skinny jeans. Though the cardigan had buttons and they were closed, she should still be cold because of the fabric it was made from-

"Hey." Y/N's voice was no longer soft. Instead, it was a full voice that interrupted Armin's thoughts. "You're getting a bit too starey. And it's impolite to stare at a girl bellow her shoulders."

Armin's face felt like it was on fire to him, and it became as red as a fire truck.

He instantly tried apologizing and making excuses, but all that came out were stutters and incomplete words.

The (short/tall/average) girl even felt a bit flustered herself. I mean, she just basically had to tell him to 'knock his shit off'.

"I wasn't looking at that, I swear!" He managed to say, after apologizing about a dozen times.

She smirked. "Okay. I believe you."

She stood up from the swings before turning around to grab her bag and put her phone in it. "I have to go home now. Will I see you tomorrow, after your school ends?"

Armin thought for a few seconds before nodding. "Yeah, sure."

Y/N looked at him directly in the eyes and smiled. It was the first time he noticed this, but her smiles don't meet her eyes. And she looked so sad...


Just as Armin promised, he came back the next day. And he did so for the next week and a half.

He learned she doesn't go there during the weekends. He learned the hard way, too.

Eventually, Friday came.

"Hey, Armin. We were gonna head to the fair Sunday, wanna come?"

Armin nodded before thinking, 'If she's okay with it, I should bring Y/N.'

She never talked about her friends. Even when they were on the subject of friends, she completely shut down if Armin asked about her's. Wouldn't it be a good chance for her to befriend other kids her age? She recently admitted to not talking to people her age much, didn't she?

"Yeah, sure. But, can I bring a friend?" He asked. Eren smirked in response. "That Playground Girl? Sure, as long as she pays for her ticket herself."

"Okay, cool."

"See ya later, dude!" Eren yelled as he ran in the direction of the busses. Mikasa soon ran after him, catching up quickly while yelling, "Eren, wait!"

The blonde boy shook his head, laughing to himself about his friends' sibling-hood before walking in the opposite direction.

He didn't live far from school, so after his parents died when he was in seventh grade, he began walking to school. His grandfather wasn't getting any younger and he always forgets to get his license renewed when they're due, and instead waits about six months to a year. That is, if he even realizes on time. Or sober enough to realize.

As Armin walked down the hill, he spotted a figure sitting on the swings with H/C hair. Once he got closer, he turned and went through the door way.

He slightly smiled and gently waved, which she returned.


Y/N's gazed dropped to the floor, though she was still smiling as Armin sat on the swing next to her.


He suddenly noticed she had something in her hands. Upon further inspection, it wasn't that difficult to tell it was obviously a camera.

"What's with the camera?" He asked, raising an eyebrow and tilting his head.

'Cute...' the girl thought, but didn't dare say it out loud.

"It's a Polaroid. I don't know, I got it as a gift, and I ended up really liking it." She held it up, facing Armin. "Smile."

Though hesitant and self conscious about getting his picture taken so suddenly, he decided to humor her and did as told. He soon heard a click just before hearing a louder one and a bright light flashing. The camera then exserted a small photograph with white framing a large black spot in the middle. She started shaking the photograph in one hand.

After a few seconds, it came out fully developed. Armin was the focus of the picture, and he was smiling.

The H/C-ette opened a pouch in her bag and placed the photo inside it.

It was actions like these that made her seem so familiar. She could probably convince people that they've been friends for years, if she wasn't so mysterious or secretive.

"Ah, Y/N." Armin spoke up to grasp her attention.


"My friends and I are going to the fair that's this weekend. I was gonna invite you."

She stared at the ground again. Hesitant about her answer, she came out with, "...I don't know. I'm not good with people."

Armin slightly giggled. "That makes two of us."

"I will consider it, though."

He suddenly smiled so brightly. For reasons unbeknownst to even himself, he was happy she agreed to think about it.

"Cool, what's your phone number?"

26/9/22 edit: okay so I fucking hate authors notes but I'm seriously debating removing that "what's your number" line because occasionally I'll come back to check the comments and kids have actually doxxed themselves.

The Gift of Memory (Armin Arlert x Reader|Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now