13•From Me, 2,000 Years Ago

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"Seriously, Armin, good luck! She seriously cannot feel any emotions!" Eren exclaimed before taking a rough bite from his bread.

The year was 850 and it was feeding time at the zoo...

...which was also known as lunch time for the Survey Corps.

The girl beside him dipped the metal spoon in her soup before lifting it up and gently blowing on it to cool it down. "Eren. You're getting worked up." Mikasa calmly pointed out, though worry was still thinly outlined in her tone.

And the reason Eren was getting so worked up, you may ask? And why was he wishing Armin good luck? Oh, that's because poor Armin was sent to clean one of the male cabins with a certain someone who was known as both emotionless and gave no shit about anyone but herself.

The girl had absolutely no friends, not that she desired any. They were just a waste of time, and they were all going to die soon, anyway. And claiming that is the reason nobody even liked her.

"That's because she's weird! I don't think she can even feel anything! Plus, she's just full of herself!" He exclaimed.

This caught the attention of someone sitting at a nearby table.

"Jesus, Eren. What are you pissed at this time?" Sighed Jean.

"I'm not pissed, you ass-" Eren was interrupted by the ravenette.

"Armin is on cleaning duty with Y/N." She stated, preventing another fight.

"Y/N? Y/N L/N?" He tilted his head with a cocked eyebrow.

"Yeah, why?" Armin asked.

"Isn't that the girl who head-butt Shadis?" He questioned. Eren nodded.

"Oh, god, you're so dead." Connie laughed, overhearing them.

"I didn't realize that was her!" Armin nearly gasped.

Y/N L/N, a graduate from the 104 training squad. She's notorious for being completely emotionless, not knowing how to act 'properly' or 'appropriately' with others, and once head-butting Keith Shadis.

She also has a horrible habit of doing everything she is told, as long as it doesn't interfere with orders from her superiors.

Nobody really knows where she came from, other than Wall Sina. So everyone just passed her off as some rich girl who doesn't know how to interact with 'common folk'.


The rules of cleaning were rather biased when it came to the cabins. The girls were allowed to clean the male cabins, but the guys couldn't clean the female cabins, much to some of their disappointment.

"Uhm... I'll clean this half and you can clean the other half, okay?" Armin offered. He only received a single nod in response.

There were two each for most of the cleaning supplies, so it shouldn't have been a problem in the slightest.

As Y/N was wiping down the rails of the beds, the girl stumbled upon a book that was underneath a pillow. She discovered it when she moved the pillow to get a better angle to clean the bed's head.

As curiosity killed this cat, she absentmindedly picked it up and opened it.

From across the room, Armin noticed her holding something. When he took a full glance at her, he realized that it was... his book!

"A-ah, Y/N, can you put that down?" He asked, stuttering just barely.

The H/C-ette closed it before placing it down exactly where she found it, and even in the exact same position. Then she spoke up in the softest voice Armin had ever heard,

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