19•Real Pain at a Young Age

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Y/N opened the door to her home quietly in hopes that nobody would notice. Especially not Celine.

She closed it and tried to make it to the stairs, but unfortunately she couldn't get that much amount of peace. "Hey," A strong voice said. She still kept on walking but she was met with a pull to the wrist, forcing her to stop.

"What?" She asked in a full tone.

"Don't snap at me." Her father warned in a dangerously hushed voice. "We were waiting for you."

"Mom didn't tell you?" The (short/tall/average) girl feigned innocence and tilted her head. "She said I could stay over at Armin's place."

After hearing her own daughter throw her under the bus, M/N spoke up, "It's true, I did give her permission, but that's because I didn't realize that there was important news to be told, I'm sorry."

Y/N, hearing her mother, looked through the open doorway to the next room. She didn't see Celine or B/N, so she took it as a half success.

"Important news?" She asked in a monotone voice, making it sound like she couldn't care less.

"Celine and B/N are... expecting." M/N hesitated to say.

"Wait, like, he got her pregnant?"

"What else do you think she meant, Y/N?" F/N interrupted his wife from answering. The H/C-ette shrugged as she finally managed to pull her wrist away from her father's hand.

"Well that's nice to know but I don't see why I'd have to attend an entire dinner to announce that. I don't care for Celine or her child, I have more important things to do." She said examining his face go from nonchalant to a scowl.

"Yes, you only care about whoring around with that girly boyfriend of yours. Right?" He assumed disdainfully, putting emphasis on 'whoring around'.

"F/N-" M/N tried to call out, only to be interrupted once again by Y/N.

"That's not what we're doing at all, you ass. I just spent the night because I didn't want to be here with Celine-" She stopped speaking when she received a slap across the face. It forced her entire head to jerk in the direction of her mom, who was wearing a shocked expression.

"Don't lie. I don't care what you do with him, because you're already a disgrace to this family, being born with a gift and not bothering to use it. But whatever you do, don't ever lie to your father, and don't talk back or insult your father."

The girl didn't even bother to touch her stinging cheek as she turned her head to serenely look at him in the eye. "Oh my, do you think that hurt? Because just a warning if you're going to suddenly turn into an abusive father figure, I've been through far much more pain." She spoke in a sweet tone.

She turned to leave, hurrying up the stairs, leaving an agitated father and shocked mother.

"Sometimes she surprises me with the things that comes out of her mouth." The woman admitted, looking down. She then looked up at her husband. "But that's no excuse for you. That was completely uncalled for." The turned on her heal to leave him behind.


Y/N laid on her bed. She could've gone fifty years without her father laying a hand on her. It was messed up, but at least it was more mild.

She turned over, sulking quietly as unpleasant memories popped up in her mind.


Deep within Wall Sina was a family of a mother, a father, and a brother and sister. The children were rarely allowed outside, and though the boy was obedient and was allowed outside more often as a reward, the girl was rebellious and was kept inside more as a punishment.

The Gift of Memory (Armin Arlert x Reader|Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now