Chapter 1 ~ Pleasant Surprise

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I run a no kill animal shelter in Kentucky. We rescue everything from mice to horses and cattle.

At my house I have two dogs, three cats, five cows, and an old donkey. I am always trying to save animals. So I went to a horse auction to see if there were any horses in need of help.

I walked through the crowd till I was up against the stage. They walked a big grey onto the stage and walked him in a couple circles.

"We will start the bidding at fifty dollars." the anouncer said.

"One hundred dollars." the man next to me said.

No one else spoke.

"Going once, going twice, sold to that man." the anouncer said.

Then they walked the grey behind the stage and the man followed.

Next they led up the ramp was an older looking, dirty, white, mare. and she was pregnant too. They walked her in a circle and stopped because she was limping slightly.

"We'll start this bidding at fifty dollars." the announcer said.

"Sixty dollars" a man to my right said I looked at him, he seemed familiar then it hit me. He's Jerry from the slaughter house. I realized what I had to do and said, " Two-hundred dollars." I said.

Jerry looked at me and said, "Three-hundred dollars."

"Five-hundred dollars." I say

Jerry looks at me and gives up.

"Five-hundred going once, going twice, sold to this young lady right here." the announcer said. and they led the mare off the stage. I walked behind the stage and stopped in front of the mare. She was holding her left rear hoof up, I go over and take a look. All it was, was a little rock stuck in her hoof, so I took out my pocket knife and popped it out. She immeadeatly loosened her leg muscles in relief. Next I grab her halter and walk her to my trailor. She walked right in as i shut the door behind her. Then I go and pay for her and recieve her papers and go home.

I pull up next to the barn, and get out of the truck. Pedro (the donkey) trots over to the fence, I pat him on the nose a couple of times before walking over and unlocking the trailor. I lead the mare to the fence next to the water pump. and tie her to the railing. Then I hook up the hose and start washing her. Her coat went from a dirty brown to a silky white. When she dried I groomed her, she looked nice. She was pure white from her head to her tail, with light sky blue eyes. Just beutiful. I leave her tied and go and clean out a stall for her, give her water, oats, and hay. Then I walk her into the stall. She immeadeatly stuck her nose in the oats, so I shut the door and go to get her papers out of the truck.

The papers say all of her previous owners and her breed. it said that she was owned four times before me and that she used to be my old favorite race horse Faster than the Wind!

i love horses, so this book is fun to write






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