Chapter 6

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As we entered the restaurant, the receptionist welcomed us and instructed one of the waiters to usher us to our seat.

"Your reserved table is right this way Ms. Y/N" the waiter led us.

"Yah, you made a reservation to this expensive place?" Irene asked in shocked as she followed me and the waiter.

"Don't worry Irene-ssi, I'm a regular here and they know me already since the owner of the restaurant is my cousin." I told her to make her calm

"Oh is that so? I just didn't expect that we're eating to an expensive place like this"

"Calm down will you?" I held her hand while I giggled at her reaction

"Here's your table for two Ma'am. My name's Jowon and you can just call me when you're ready to order" the waiter said while smiling

"Okay thank you" I answered in response

I pulled a chair and helped Irene to sit which made her somehow to blush which she immediately covered with her hair. What a cutie~

"Thank you Y/N-ah~" Irene shyly said to me

"No problem, so here's the menu. Just order everything you want"

"Woah!! But these are so expensive! I won't eat here, let's just go somewhere else" Irene said gasping

I laughed at how Irene was reacting. She shouldn't really mind since I own this place. I just told her that a cousin of mine owns this restaurant when in fact I don't know any of my cousin since I was an orphan at an early age.

I feel sorry for lying to this girl in front of me. I'm sorry Irene but I have to lie for my cover. But I promise to treat you well till my last day at YG.

"Don't worry okay? I told you that my cousin owns this resto. I can get whatever I want and not pay if I want to. So please, just eat whatever you want, I know you're stressed these past few days so I just want you to at least relax and enjoy eating" I told her for assurance.

She's still not responding so I leaned to her closer and pleaded with my eyes.

"Please Irene-ah~"

"Ugh! Okay okay.. Stop giving me those puppy eyes" She said giggling

After we settled our order, someone caught my eye when a group of girls came in where everyone was wearing a mask. Two of them wearing hoodies and the other two wearing cap.

It's them, BlackPink. I easily recognize people so I know it's them. Wait, is that why they look familiar? Right! I always see them eating here! So, we've been crossing paths before I started this mission I guess.

I just ignored the fact that they're here and focused on Irene who was eating well. I feel relieved she gets to unwind from her busy work.

"Why are you staring at me? Is there something on my face?" Irene asked anxiously.

"Nope, nothing! I'm just happy to see you eating very well" I smiled at her and let out a soft chuckle as I saw her blushing again

Our moment was cut off when someone approached us.

"Oh! Irene unnie and oh it's Y/N unnie! Annyeonghasseyo~"

It was Lisa who was followed by Jisoo and Rosé. Wait, why is Jennie kinda hiding behind the three?

"Oh hi girls! You guys want to join us?" asked Irene

"Yeah, I can just talk to the waite-"

"No we're fine, let's go girls I'm getting hungry" said Jennie who immediately stormed off to another table

I was shocked by her reaction. Where's the soft Jennie I knew? I guess she really had that monster inside her?

Irene noticed my reaction and so she immediately held my hand to grab my attention.

"Are you okay Y/N?" Irene asked worriedly

"Yeah I'm fine, just kinda shocked from Jennie's reaction. Is she like that?" I asked moving up to find answers for my mission

"No, Jennie's a sweet girl. I think she's just tired and hungry that's why she reacted like that."

I nodded in response and continued eating my food.

Is that so? If Irene's telling the truth, how will I accomplish this mission? Better talk to ahjumma later about this.

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