Chapter 3: Tindercreek High

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This week I'm Charlotte Blake.  I am also a cheerleader here but, I am more of the fashion adviser.  I start and finish different trends.  My bff Morgan is the one who got me started on fashion.  I didn't particularly care for it. 

Now I'm the Queen Bee here!

"Hey gorgeous!" I get a side kiss from my amazing boyfriend Creg, "How about I walk you to class?  And during lunch, we can go get some froyo or something?"

"Aww I'd love to but we can't!  What if we get caught?  I don't want to start any trouble.  Plus I'm a cheerleader so I'm going to get in SO much trouble if we do it.  Maybe after school alright?". He nods and starts to pout away, "Wait!  I thought you were going to walk me to class?" He picks his head up and smiles, linking my arm with his.

My first class was general English 10.  I didn't want to take any hard classes so I could focus on my fashion career.  My teacher is really sweet but tough.  Apparently she assigned a five page paper on the first day.  Since I was Ivory, I missed it.  My teacher added two online assignments due next class.  She doesn't take late work at all.

"Now students.  This is due by next class.  Even if your laptop is down, you get a zero.  I understand if its not working but the library downtown has laptops.  And no sports will excuse you from this.  Even you Miss Charlotte Blake."  I nod just as the bell rings.  I have P.E. next. which sucks.  I pretty much wear spandex and a tank.  My teacher is the football coach but everyone says he's nice.  He doesn't like my boyfriend though because he wouldn't play football.  Jerk.

"Hello Miss Charlotte.  You may change in the cheer room instead of the locker room if you would like.  Morgan Chesterfield is in there.". I smile as I take my key and unlock the door.  I throw my stuff on my couch and flop.  That's right we even get a couch!  We share it with our sister though.

"Hey Char, do you have any extra shirts?  I forgot mine."

"Yeah here.  It shows through on me anyways."  I toss her my white ribbed tank and change into my black LA Time shirt and shorts.

*        *        *       *       *

"Girls!  Omg all you have to do is catch her!  Its not that hard!!"  I had been dropped five times already and its only been an hour.  "Try this.  Charlotte, take the day.  Their going to throw me and catch me."  I take this chance to catch up with Creg on our froyo date.

"Hey sweet princess!  I already got you your favorite because I wanted to talk to you."  I started getting butterflies in my stomach.  I hope he doesn't break up with me.  He's my all.

"Um kay.  Wanna go to my house and talk?  My moms out on business again." I lied but I had too.

About 3 hours later, we were asleep in my bed.  A little tipsy. 

"Creggggggggg.  Can I tell you a secret?" I trace my finger across his chest.

"Mhm baby sure!". I giggle and roll on top of him.  Yeah I'm drunk.

"My parents died 5 years ago!  Hehe yeah!  I live alone!  And on my weeks when I'm not at school, I'm Ivory Blake and Harvestwood!  Haha lol no one knows!  Well except for you!"  I twirled my hair and then started laughing like a loomph.

"Char are you serious?!?!  What the hell why?!  You have to stop.  I am calling the police!" I kiss him with passion.  He stops and we sleep.

*        *        *        *        * 

What happened last night?  All I remember is a bottle of champagne and Creg yelling. Crag.  Oh lord what did I say or do!

I gather my crap for school and brush out the tangles in my hair.  I braid it and then add some mascara to my lashes.  I have such a bad headache.  I take some Aleve and then head out to school.

I meet Creg in the hallways pulling him aside.  He has a worried look on his face. "Creg.  What did I say last night?  You're stressing about something."  He looks away.  I get all nervous in my stomach.

"Can we talk after school?"  He leaves to go to class.  What the h€ll?

I head to class with a bad feeling in my gut.  What if I said something about my other life??!!  I'm screwed.  He could've said something to the guidence counselors or even worse, the police!  I would be locked up forever!!!!!!  Oh god!  Before I even know it, first block has ended.  I don't even realize when lunch comes.  I sit in the corner of a lone hallway.  No teachers teach in there now.  Its pretty much the school sex pod.  I sit there so I won't get caught and think.  Why would Creg blow me off like that??  We always talk through everything. Is he cheating on me?

I take off my heels and walk down the hallway.  I hear a couple kids going at it.  I shiver.  I don't get why they do this.

*        *        *        *        *

"Hey bae!  So tell me what I said?" I smile and cock my head a little bit.

"Well um, I know everything."

*     *     *     *     *

Haha cliffhanger!!!!  I hope you enjoy!  I'm tired so this is a short update lol!  Night! (or day!)

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